Project Lens is an alpha-level demo. The data sets are incomplete and imbalanced and algorithm parameters are being tuned. Results should thus be considered directional. Want to provide feedback, request features, or collaborate?

Indi #neverforgetjanuary6 Dutta-Gupta

Indi #neverforgetjanuary6 Dutta-Gupta


Lens Rankings

Think Tanks

#174 0.000690 Center for American Progress
#840 0.000159 Peterson Institute for International Economics
#3141 0.000009 Niskanen Center
#3591 0.000036 Brookings


#496 0.000655 Think Tanks
#2836 0.000135 Baseline
#3706 0.000078 Reality-Based Community


#3567 0.000024 EconTwitter


#3141 0.000009 Foreign Policy
#6850 0.000016 Bloomberg Opinion
#8880 0.000000 OANN
#8904 0.000000 Newsmax


#9112 0.000000 Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)
#9880 0.000000 Crypto Journalists
#9933 0.000000 Cosmos
#9949 0.000000 Crypto Angels

Culture and Political Economy

#9256 0.000000 Environmental Journalists
#9673 0.000000 Bismark Analysis

Software Engineering

#9044 0.000000 Zig

Venture Capital

#9503 0.000000 Bessemer
#9689 0.000000 My Climate Journey
#9928 0.000000 Sutter Hill Ventures

Automatically Detected Communities