Project Lens is an alpha-level demo. The data sets are incomplete and imbalanced and algorithm parameters are being tuned. Results should thus be considered directional. Want to provide feedback, request features, or collaborate?

Brad DeLong: 'Live long, & prosper!'

Brad DeLong: 'Live long, & prosper!'


Lens Rankings

Think Tanks

#115 0.000992 Peterson Institute for International Economics
#903 0.000075 Berggruen Institute
#1406 0.000081 Hoover Institution
#2365 0.000020 Niskanen Center
#3385 0.000035 Mercatus Center
#3484 0.000038 Brookings
#4914 0.000021 Center for American Progress

Venture Capital

#424 0.000372 Benchmark Capital
#6407 0.000012 A16Z
#9941 0.000000 Standard Crypto
#9963 0.000000 Founders Fund


#553 0.000252 EconTwitter


#1242 0.000104 Crypto VC
#9972 0.000000 Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)


#2363 0.000058 Think Tanks


#2365 0.000020 Foreign Policy
#4814 0.000003 Palladium Magazine
#7379 0.000015 Bloomberg Opinion

Culture and Political Economy

#2752 0.000019 Effective Altruism
#6918 0.000003 Progress Studies
#8827 0.000004 Persuasion Community
#9931 0.000000 Schumacher Circle
#9973 0.000000 Fair Vote

Automatically Detected Communities