Joe Patrick
Braves Reporter @929TheGame, Managing Editor @DirtySouthSoc, cohost @FiveStripeFinal. Contact: joepat1987 at gmail dot com
Lens Rankings
Think Tanks
#461 | 0.000329 | Niskanen Center |
#5580 | 0.000020 | American Enterprise Institute |
#5580 | 0.000020 | National Bureau of Economic Research |
#461 | 0.000329 | Foreign Policy |
#805 | 0.000161 | Bloomberg Opinion |
#3035 | 0.000042 | The Atlantic |
#6389 | 0.000002 | Techcrunch |
#7375 | 0.000002 | Reuters |
Venture Capital
#1815 | 0.000074 | Initialized Capital |
Culture and Political Economy
#5250 | 0.000021 | Arnold Kling's Fantasy Intellectual Teams |
#6981 | 0.000007 | Harper's Open Letter |