The Dispatch
Rank | Score | |
1 | 10.0 |
Editor-in-Chief, @TheDispatch (, LAT columnist. AEI Fellow. Host Remnant Podcast. Majordomo for Zoë and Pippa. |
2 | 9.9 |
Senior Editor @TheDispatch, Columnist @Time, Co-host, Advisory Opinions podcast, Iraq vet, married to @NancyAFrench. “A real problem” -Rush Limbaugh. |
3 | 9.8 |
Editor/CEO, @thedispatch. Fox News contributor. To sign up, go here: |
4 | 9.4 |
Scott Lincicome @scottlincicome @CatoInstitute Senior Fellow, @DukeLaw adjunct, @TheDispatch newsletter-er. Chief Neoliberal Shill 2020. CH❤️RTS. You didn't read the article, did you? |
5 | 9.2 |
Christ-follower. Wife to @EvanWilt_. Associate editor @thedispatch. Author of Uphill, a newsletter about Congress. Sci-fi enthusiast. |
6 | 9.1 |
Sarah Isgur Flores
Staff writer for @thedispatch and host of legal podcast Advisory Opinions. @ABC News political contributor. Texas ex-pat, @Harvard_Law grad, cat/brisket mom. |
7 | 8.9 |
Staff writer at @thedispatch. Once upon a time @weeklystandard, @BulwarkOnline, @Hillsdale. Christian. Get in touch: andrew /at/ thedispatch /dot/ com |
8 | 8.8 |
@reason @newsweek @wsj @palomamedia |
9 | 8.6 |
Associate editor @thedispatch. Previous: @HPSInsight, @EchelonInsights. Former Chicago resident. Cubs 2016 WS Champs. DMs open. declan AT thedispatch DOT com |
10 | 8.5 |
Christian Schneider @Schneider_CM Author, @1916theBlog, Senior Reporter, @CollegeFix. @USATODAY Board of Contributors. Sole proprietor, @zerostarreviews. VaTech, Utah, Marquette. LinkedIn model. |
11 | 8.5 |
Managing editor, @thedispatch. Formerly @bulwarkonline, @weeklystandard, @slate. Frequently beleaguered Ohio sports fan. |
12 | 8.4 |
The Remnant with Jonah Goldberg @JonahRemnant A weekly podcast with @JonahDispatch. Listen, subscribe, listen again. A podcast in the @thedispatch family. Send feedback to |
13 | 7.9 |
Fact-checker and culture writer at @thedispatch, UNC alum, rank sentimentalist | send news tips, comments, hate mail, etc. to |
14 | 7.6 |
Chief strategy officer @ConstitutionCtr, formerly prez @thedispatch, AEI VP, HLS adm dean, RT not nec. endorsement. Views are my own. |
15 | 7.5 |
Reporter @TheDispatch | @ISI fellow | Get in touch/say hi👋🏻: |
16 | 7.5 |
Khaya Himmelman @KhayaHimmelman Fact-checker at @thedispatch. Alum @columbiajourn + @BarnardCollege, work in: @bustle @rollingstone @eurasianet @religionmag |
17 | 7.4 |
Recovering consultant. Amateur adult. Writer of stuff. Longer stuff @ricochet. Supporter and fan of principled thinkers, especially @thedispatch. |
Account Rankings
Rank | Score | |
1 | 8.9 |
Father of the four Irishest Jewish kids on earth. Executive Editor, Washington Examiner Mag. Previous: @nypost, @Commentary. @bethanyshondark is my better half |
2 | 8.8 |
Author of “Alienated America.” Columnist Washington Examiner. Resident fellow, AEI. Husband. Dad of six. T-ball coach. Disclosure: |
3 | 8.8 |
Covering politics for @washingtonpost., 202-334-7387. @CWAUnion member. Buy my book: (Avatar by @damnyouregis) |
4 | 8.8 |
Against the Grain columnist at National Journal. Political reporting & analysis, without fear or favor. (Opinions expressed here are my own.) |
5 | 8.8 |
Associate Editor @Commentary. MSNBC/NBC News contributor. Author "Unjust: Social Justice and the Unmaking of America" |
6 | 8.8 |
TakingHayekSeriously🧨 @FriedrichHayek Everyday *Taking Hayek Seriously* provides you with the graduate seminar on Friedrich Hayek you cannot get at Harvard or Stanford. |
7 | 8.8 |
Senior editor, National Review; music critic, The New Criterion |
8 | 8.8 |
Senior Writer @NRO. Reaganite, Catholic, Mets fan, ex-lawyer. Opinions 100% my own, but you can share them. Not the Cardinals broadcaster. |
9 | 8.7 |
Professor, author of "Our Own Worst Enemy." Curmudgeon. Cat guy. Democracy enthusiast. Board of Contributors, @USAToday, Contributing Writer, @TheAtlantic. |
10 | 8.7 |
now: @nytimes. previously: @voxdotcom. Go Blue. |
11 | 8.7 |
Writer-At-Large @bulwarkonline | Host "Not My Party" on Snapchat | Formerly beating Trump’s ass with RVAT | Nikola Jokic обожавалац | byline @rollingstone | |
12 | 8.7 |
Pradheep J. Shanker @Neoavatara Radiologist and Public Health Policy. CEO @Neoavatara Foundation Occasional contributor to @NRO, @Ricochet, @AmSpectator |
13 | 8.7 |
Mostly Ken White. I do the RICO. Popehat Report: Podcasts: Make No Law, All The Presidents’ Lawyers |
14 | 8.7 |
Culture editor at The Bulwark. Washington Post contributing columnist. Pods: @SubBeacon; Bulwark Goes to Hollywood; Across the Movie Aisle. "Centrist edgelord.” |
15 | 8.7 |
Managing Editor @dcexaminer Mag | Past: Dallas Morning News Editorial | Seen in The Atlantic, Daily Beast, NRO. | “Oligarch apologist” |
16 | 8.6 |
catholic. wife and mother. coffee drinker. speechwriter. editor. reader. pro-life. em dash lover. expert dishwasher loader. more in sarcasm than outrage. |
17 | 8.6 |
Creator + host of Vs Media Podcast on Patreon. Contributor @TheSpectator. Commentary archive at @nro @FoxNews @nypost |
18 | 8.6 |
Mostly off Twitter for May. Author, @fsgbooks. Former: @NYMag. Cohost @TheBARPod, the first-ever podcast:… * jesse.r.singal@gmail |
19 | 8.6 |
Views expressed here only represent myself. |
20 | 8.6 |
Jeff B. tried to do his best, but he could not @EsotericCD Atty+friendly RINO. Polls, politics, postpunk. Cohost of @Political_Beats at @NRO. Dedicated to you, but you weren't listening. |
21 | 8.6 |
Private sector economic advisor, part-time adjunct professor at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, on US-China relations. |
22 | 8.6 |
Columnist for Insider. Host of KCRW's Left, Right & Center & cohost w/ @popehat of All the President's Lawyers. Instagram: @ joshbarro |
23 | 8.6 |
Writer, about law especially; @CatoInstitute. Blogged at Overlawyered (1999-2020). Election law and Maryland civic stuff. |
24 | 8.6 |
Political editor of @townhallcom, @FoxNews contributor, @GuyBensonShow (M-F, 3-6pm ET) host, @NorthwesternU alum. Spring 2021 @GUPolitics Fellow. 🇺🇸 |
25 | 8.6 |
National Correspondent, @Slate. Question everything. |
26 | 8.6 |
CTO @tabletmag || Korean BBQ enthusiast || Also post things @ and stream @ || opinions always my own |
27 | 8.6 |
Oklahoman. Attorney. I write at many places. My husband (the DH) thinks ya'll need to calm down. |
28 | 8.6 |
Shoshana Weissmann, Sloth Committee Chair 🦥 @senatorshoshana Head digital media @RSI & fellow: Occupational licensing reform, Section 230, SCOTUS, social media regulation. Also in @FedSocRTP. Sewing🧵 #PeakBagger🏔 More⬇️ |
29 | 8.6 |
Standing athwart history, yelling Stop. A magazine founded by the late William F. Buckley Jr. To send tips: Instagram: NationalReview |
30 | 8.6 |
Washington correspondent for NYTimes, analyst for CNN. RTs don't imply agreement. |
31 | 8.5 |
A new digital media company providing fact-based reporting and commentary on politics, policy and culture. Subscribe here: |
32 | 8.5 |
@NRO, @Bopinion, @AEI. Husband of @aprilponnuru. Trying not to argue with you here. |
33 | 8.5 |
Thomas Chatterton Williams
Words: @NYTMag, @Harpers. Boards: @AmericanAcademy, @JoinPersuasion. Fellowship: @AEI. Speaking: @APBspeakers. Next Book: NOTHING WAS THE SAME: @AAKnopf |
34 | 8.5 |
@BOpinion. Previously NY Daily News, NY Post; comics nerd, improviser, pun-dit, overthinker, undersharer, Trini-Dad jokes, etc. |
35 | 8.5 |
Senior Editor @BulwarkOnline | Formerly @Weeklystandard, GOP House & Senate staffer |⛴ Ahoy.GOP | Kentucky Colonel | #LetsGoBlues #GoTribe |
36 | 8.5 |
Founder @JoinPersuasion | Associate Prof @SAISHopkins | Contributing Editor @TheAtlantic | Senior Fellow @CFR_org | Sr. Advisor @protctdemocracy | Opinions mine |
37 | 8.5 |
National Correspondent for @TheWeek. Cohost & producer of @LeftAnchor podcast: |
38 | 8.5 |
Michigan State political scientist & @ippsr Director; @niskanencenter @fivethirtyeight @MSU_poli_sci; Next book: How Social Science Got Better |
39 | 8.5 |
Thomas Joscelyn @thomasjoscelyn Senior Fellow @FDD. Senior Editor @LongWarJournal. Picture is Tom Paine. Not a fan of self-licking ice cream cones, cliques or corruption. |
40 | 8.5 |
Covering political money and influence at @Axios. // // DM for Signal. #LGD 👹 |
41 | 8.5 |
Writer for New York magazine. Tweets with links are intended as prompts to read the linked story, not self-contained arguments substituting for the linked story |
42 | 8.5 |
Father, Husband, Professor, Writer, guy with opinions; co-founder of @chkbal; Law before policy before politics; Philly sports always, pro-Gritty; typos-R-us |
43 | 8.5 |
Thinking about conservatism, civil society, institutions, education. Former staff at White House DPC, USED, US House of Reps, state government. Sr Fellow, MI. |
44 | 8.5 |
Michael Brendan Dougherty @michaelbd author of My Father Left Me Ireland. Senior Writer, National Review. Visiting Fellow for the Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies division at AEI. |
45 | 8.5 |
He sits motionless, like a spider in the center of its web, but that web has a thousand radiations, and he knows well every quiver of each of them. |
46 | 8.5 |
What a time to be alive. |
47 | 8.4 |
Entrepreneur, Health and Fitness Enthusiast, Novelist, Poet, Singer, Cultural Critic, Lover of People, Places, and Purpose. |
48 | 8.4 |
The inquiry constantly is what will please, not what will benefit the people. In such a govt there can be nothing but temporary expedient, fickleness and folly. |
49 | 8.4 |
Author of NYT bestseller “Unmasked”:… Editor-at-large @TPostMillennial. |
50 | 8.4 |
Politics. Hoyas. YMMV. Views expressed are mine alone, obviously. @TheLobbyShopPod |
51 | 8.4 |
Omni-American, staff writer at The Atlantic, founding editor of The Best of Journalism–subscribe here:… |
52 | 8.4 |
I talk @JayCaruso in to, and out of, good and bad ideas. Pro-life. Former writer/editor. Oxford comma stan account. |
53 | 8.4 |
James Pethokoukis @JimPethokoukis @AEI Fellow. @CNBC Contributor. @Jeopardy! champ. @TheWeek columnist. @NorthwesternU. My newsletter: 🦅🌐 🌎🦄 🤖🚀 🧬 |
54 | 8.4 |
@reason senior editor. 2016 @forbes 30 Under 30 list. Author of "Panic Attack: Young Radicals in the Age of Trump." Available now: |
55 | 8.4 |
Russian-Jewish-American. "Voice of reason against the madness." Lover of otters. @ArcDigi @Reason @Newsday @BulwarkOnline @theweek etc. CathyYoung63@gmail |
56 | 8.4 |
Reporter for CNN, fact-checking the president and others. |
57 | 8.4 |
Nat'l Political Correspondent, NY Times. Writing a book w @alexburnsnyt on politics in 2020-2021. Tips or ideas? Email: |
58 | 8.4 |
NR senior political correspondent by day, dad by day and night. Author. Three Martini Lunch podcast. Intermittent cable news talking head. #TJAMS |
59 | 8.4 |
Matthew Yglesias
Writer and editor, Slow Boring. Senior Fellow, Niskanen Center. Host of The Weeds. Vaxxed and relaxed. These tweets are worth what you pay for them. |
60 | 8.4 |
Christian, husband, dadx3. VP, Legal & Judicial, @afphq; Sr. Fellow, Free Speech, @CKInstitute. Christmas music czar Barbecue lover, but not NC. |
61 | 8.4 |
Andy McCarthy @AndrewCMcCarthy Bestselling author. Contributing Editor at National Review & Fellow at NR Inst. Fox News Contributor. Former Chief Asst. U.S. Attorney |
62 | 8.4 |
prashanth ganapathy @prashGana Sales Engineering. Photography! |
63 | 8.4 |
National politics reporter at The New York Times. CNN political analyst. Real one in these streets. |
64 | 8.4 |
Editor of Pluribus, an online project exploring the rising tide of illiberalism and its recent progeny, cancel culture. Also, freelance writer, accountant, etc. |
65 | 8.4 |
National correspondent for The Washington Post. Please don't tell me how to tweet. |
66 | 8.4 |
Sr. Fellow @ManhattanInst. Sen. Portman chief economist (2011-17), Fellow @Heritage (2001-11), Past budget/spending architect for 4 prez campaigns. Tweets mine. |
67 | 8.3 |
Michael R. Strain
Director of Economic Policy Studies at AEI. Columnist for Bloomberg Opinion. Buy "The American Dream Is Not Dead": |
68 | 8.3 |
kilgore trout, junky horse @KT_So_It_Goes turnip shepherd & bad person |
69 | 8.3 |
石來民 Lutheran. Husband. Dad. Kentuckian. Demographer. @DemographicNTEL @FamStudies @AEI @NovakFellows doing PhD at McGill. lymanrstone at gmail dot com |
70 | 8.3 |
I spread rumors of hope. Author of Indispensable; Theology; Wannabe Chef; Film; Gardening; Sports; RTWs aren’t endorsements |
71 | 8.3 |
New York Magazine/HuffPost Contributor Email: Direct Messages Open Text/Call/Signal/Confide/WhatsApp: 310-795-2497. AGENTS: UTA |
72 | 8.3 |
Yair Rosenberg @Yair_Rosenberg Senior writer, @tabletmag. Teller of stories, troller of Nazis. Politics, religion, culture. Newsletter: Music: |
73 | 8.3 |
Chief Economist at @Upwork. Opinions my own. |
74 | 8.3 |
storyteller @TheAtlantic | author "American Carnage" | email: tim at |
75 | 8.3 | @HumanProgress A @CatoInstitute project. Buy our book:… |
76 | 8.3 |
Sr. Elections Analyst, RCP. @osupolisci. @aei. Recovering Att'y. Married to @emytrende, dad to 3. You shall love your crooked neighbor, with your crooked heart. |
77 | 8.3 |
Kristen Soltis Anderson
Cofounder @echeloninsights. Author, The Selfie Vote. @siriusxm host. Florida woman. Polls, peppers, football, #dailywally. Go Gators. |
78 | 8.3 |
Professor. NEW BOOK: ‘How Charts Lie’ (W.W. Norton). Previous: The Truthful Art (2016). and |
79 | 8.3 |
My name is Jamelle Bouie. @nytopinion columnist. @CBSNews Analyst. Got more juice than Picasso’s got paint. I don’t live in New York. |
80 | 8.3 |
New York Times columnist, National Review film critic, author of The Decadent Society (2020). |
81 | 8.3 |
Founder, Editor-at-large, The Bulwark; Host, Bulwark Podcast; Contributor, MSNBC; Author, "How the Right Lost Its Mind" Email: |
82 | 8.3 |
NYT Best-Selling Author, married to @DavidAFrench |
83 | 8.3 |
Columnist at the Washington Post. Opinions my own. Email me: Megan.McArdle -at- Buy my book, The Up Side of Down |
84 | 8.3 |
Deputy editor @ForeignPolicy. Wrote Bloody White Baron, The Death of Mao, and upcoming Heaven's Empires. Married to @larsonchristina. DC, ex-Beijing. He/him. |
85 | 8.3 |
Home for all things curious, including surprising facts; answers to life's big questions; and untold stories from history, science, pop culture, and beyond. |
86 | 8.3 |
An auto-generated summary of the stories that US political commentators are discussing online right now. Not human-edited, unlike @Techmeme or @mediagazer. |
87 | 8.3 |
A public policy research organization dedicated to individual liberty, limited government, free markets, and peace. |
88 | 8.3 |
the List | @habibi_bros |
89 | 8.3 |
Smart Brevity worthy of people's time, attention and trust. Subscribe to our newsletters: |
90 | 8.2 |
Senior Fellow at @FDD, editor of @LongWarJournal, and terrorism analyst. "Never let us be guilty of sacrificing any portion of truth on the altar of peace." |
91 | 8.2 | |
92 | 8.2 |
husband, dad, son, big brother (to seven), maize&blue fan, supporter of Olympic wrestling, & avid bad golfer |
93 | 8.2 |
Washington Post reporter. Something retweets something something. Views here are my own, not my employer's. Instagram: OlivierKnox1970 |
94 | 8.2 |
Dad; husband; anchor of @TheLeadCNN and @CNNSOTU; author of @TheOutpostbook, @TheHellfireClub, and The @Devil_May_Dance: |
95 | 8.2 |
I am not as dumb as I look. Close |
96 | 8.2 |
Husband, father, bestselling author. Senior VP: @nrbassociation. Books: danieldarling/books. Bylines: @nro, @usatoday, @tgc, etc. Podcast: The Way Home. |
97 | 8.2 |
Policy editor at @NBCNews. I cover elections and their consequences. Take it off Twitter at |
98 | 8.2 |
Chief White House Correspondent for The New York Times and MSNBC analyst. Husband and co-author with @sbg1 of "THE MAN WHO RAN WASHINGTON." |
99 | 8.2 |
deputy editor, @dcexaminer magazine | past: education policy, @aei | read in: @wsj @nationalaffairs @nro @quillette @insidehighered, others | go Hogs 'n stuff |
100 | 8.2 |
senior political reporter @TheDailyBeast. FEVER DREAMS podcast host. @vikingbooks author. Rolling Stones fan. On Signal, etc. |
101 | 8.2 |
Kathryn Jean Lopez
sign up for weekly newsletter here:… |
102 | 8.2 |
Comfortably Smug @ComfortablySmug My Interests: Finance, Whiskey, Politics, Books, Food, Meeting Strangers #altcenter Instagram: ComfortablySmug |
103 | 8.2 |
Write, Edit & Podcast @Reason || || || |
104 | 8.2 |
Expanding liberty. Increasing individual opportunity. Strengthening free enterprise. All in a day's work for the scholars at AEI. |
105 | 8.2 |
Professor at @FletcherSchool. Contributor to @PostEverything. Co-editor of The Uses and Abuses of Weaponized Interdependence. Shaker of hands with Mel Brooks. |
106 | 8.2 | |
107 | 8.2 |
Covering the world with a West Coast perspective. Subscribe now: Write to us: |
108 | 8.2 |
FiveThirtyEight @FiveThirtyEight Data-driven news and analysis from Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight |
109 | 8.2 |
Writer, nerd, Magnum P.I. super-fan. Ed. dir. @realDailyWire. WWII buff. Catholic matchmaker. Mom of 3. @Ladybrainscast-er. Opinions my own but should be yours. |
110 | 8.2 |
Mordechai Angel de Cordoba @NathanWurtzel Antisemitic? Move along. Liar (either party)? Move along. Excusing Communist China's death camps? Move along. Trump face avatar? Instant block. I'm nobody. |
111 | 8.2 |
Syndicated columnist. Policy Editor, Host of the Beg to Differ podcast. |
112 | 8.2 |
A lay analyst and the author of four books titled 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘉𝘦. “legitimately competent . . . . Terrifying.” —The American Spectator |
113 | 8.2 |
Co-host of the Odd Lots podcast and 'What'd You Miss?' on Bloomberg TV. Fan of the Bakersfield Sound. |
114 | 8.2 |
Reporter. / / DM for Signal |
115 | 8.2 |
Comms strategist. Blunt ('16). Walker ('12-'15). Rand Paul ('13). Perry ('12) Fiorina ('10); former RNC Online Comms Director; Tory; libertarian; Arsenal fan. |
116 | 8.2 |
WSJ’s home for politics, policy and national security news. Sign up to get our Capital Journal newsletter every morning at… |
117 | 8.1 |
digital strategist. cat lady. opinions + excessive hyperbole are my own, etc. etc. |
118 | 8.1 |
Staff Writer, @TheAtlantic Ideas. Preorder THE CRUELTY IS THE POINT out June 29, 2021 here: |
119 | 8.1 |
Scott Gottlieb
Resident Fellow @AEI. Partner @NEA. Contributor @CNBC. 23rd Commissioner @US_FDA 2017 to 2019. Boards: @Pfizer @Illumina @AetionInc @TempusLabs |
120 | 8.1 |
Persian when I eat, Spanish when I watch soccer, & American when I go to war. Bulwark/Persuasion/SAIS “A fight not joined is a fight not enjoyed.” —JSM3 |
121 | 8.1 |
Senior Writer at RealClearInvestigations. "After all these years of professional experience, why can’t I write good?" Husband of @MZHemingway. |
122 | 8.1 |
Staff writer, @NewYorker. @CNN global affairs analyst. Proud wife of @peterbakernyt and coauthor, The Man Who Ran Washington: the Life and Times of Jim Baker |
123 | 8.1 |
Director, Editor at large, Host, Fellow, @HarvardIOP. |
124 | 8.1 |
Cognitive scientist at Harvard. |
125 | 8.1 |
Write stuff, read stuff, build stuff. Check out my newsletter on politics and current affairs with @ShantMM. Subscribe here: |
126 | 8.1 |
Federal Analyst @taxfoundation, Contributor @youngvoicesorg, Poster at Twitter Dot Com. Views my own. |
127 | 8.1 | |
128 | 8.1 |
Communications Director, Daily Kos. Comic book lover, oenophile, Virginian. Obsessed with/expert on state politics. carolyn at dailykos dot com |
129 | 8.1 |
Covering the Pentagon for Fox News |
130 | 8.1 |
Nicholas Clairmont @NickClairmont1 Associate Editor @ArcDigi, Word of the Week writer at Washington Examiner Mag, book reviewer. Formerly @TheAtlantic @aminterest. |
131 | 8.1 |
Hamilton Place Strategies; CNBC Contrib; frmr US Treasury & WH. Board: @WFPUSA, @CGDev, CARE Action, UPitt’s @GSPIA, @domcabral. |
132 | 8.1 |
Author of “The Case for Nationalism”: Editor of National Review. Speaking opps: |
133 | 8.1 |
Author of Nonzero, The Moral Animal, The Evolution of God, Why Buddhism Is True. EIC @Bloggingheads, @MeaningLifeTV, @NonzeroNews: |
134 | 8.1 |
Charles C. W. Cooke @charlescwcooke President of the Filibuster Appreciation Society. (New members must be approved by supermajority.) |
135 | 8.1 | |
136 | 8.1 |
Rebecca Newberger Goldstein @platobooktour Philosopher and novelist; 2014 National Humanities Medal |
137 | 8.1 |
Only marginally compelling and occasionally accurate, sometime writer, engineer, cake-baker. Writes Marginally Compelling newsletter |
138 | 8.1 |
Biologist and writer. Author of Red Queen, Rational Optimist, and most recently How Innovation Works (now in paperback): |
139 | 8.1 |
WSJ Editorial Page @WSJopinion Opinion & Commentary from The Wall Street Journal. |
140 | 8.1 |
Chief Political Anchor @FoxNews. Anchor & Executive Editor of @SpecialReport. NYT bestselling author. To Rescue The Republic available for pre-order now. |
141 | 8.1 |
#KaariJ #LLT #beneathnoone #trainedtogo |
142 | 8.1 |
Author of the award-winning Sean Coleman Thrillers | Bylines: @BernardGoldberg @NRO @PasteMagazine | Confidant of exiled conservatives | Marginally funny |
143 | 8.1 |
Nicholas Grossman @NGrossman81 International Relations prof at U. Illinois. Senior Editor @ArcDigi. Author “Drones and Terrorism.” Politics, national security, and occasional nerdery. |
144 | 8.1 |
Senior political reporter, writing for The Fix at The Washington Post. |
145 | 8.0 |
Asst. Prof/PhD/JD @StJohnsLaw • @YaleISP • Online speech, governance, law, empirics & cog psych • Co-host @inlieuoffunshow |
146 | 8.0 |
Jen Monroe 🗽🌐 🎧 🦥 @jenniferm_q Libertarian writer and podcaster. Extremely Online. Tweets too much. |
147 | 8.0 |
Clevelander, traveler, CPA, MBA, AMDG |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
149 | 8.0 |
Reporter. Have written for places — buzzfeed, slate, new york, the nation, n+1, the new republic — and would like to write for you. |
150 | 8.0 |
Criminal justice reporter and FOIA nerd for @reason / cj at reason dot com / DMs open, reach out for Signal |
151 | 8.0 |
Reporter at CNN's K-File.🎗️Dad fighting childhood cancer for Francesca on Team Beans. 🇦🇱🇵🇱🇮🇹 #TeamBeans |
152 | 8.0 |
The Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) is a non-partisan institution focusing on national security and foreign policy. |
153 | 8.0 |
TOLOnews is Afghanistan's first 24-hours news and current affairs television network. |
154 | 8.0 |
White House reporter for @washingtonpost, covering Biden and the Hill. @CNN political analyst, proud @politico alum. Email: |
155 | 8.0 |
Theologian, Writer, Musician. Senior Scholar of Public Theology, Center For Cultural Leadership |
156 | 8.0 |
Jennifer Griffin
National Security Correspondent for @FoxNews |
157 | 8.0 |
Here for the articles. |
158 | 8.0 |
Long War Journal @LongWarJournal FDD's Long War Journal is a Project of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (@FDD). Edited by @thomasjoscelyn & @billroggio |
159 | 8.0 |
DOJ & Investigations @DCExaminer — Faith Without Works Is Dead — The Dogma Lives Loudly — John 8:32 — AMDG — CLEVELAND — OHIO — |
160 | 8.0 |
Host, The Reason Interview with Nick Gillespie ( Editor at Large @reason. Instagram: gillespienick. |
161 | 8.0 |
Senior Fellow, @eppcdc. Writing for @nytimes and @TheAtlantic. Worked in Reagan & Bush41 administrations and Bush43 White House. Author, THE DEATH OF POLITICS. |
162 | 8.0 |
U.S. House editor of the nonpartisan @CookPolitical Report & @NBCNews contributor. Nerd for 🗺️ maps, 📈 data, ⛷️ ski slopes & 🎻 trad tunes. Has seen enough. |
163 | 8.0 |
political reporter, @nbcnews digital | author |
164 | 8.0 |
Christopher Ingraham @_cingraham Washington Post data reporter. Born-again Minnesotan. Cricket guy. Proud @PostGuild member. Author of If You Lived Here You'd Be Home By Now. |
165 | 8.0 |
Caitlin Flanagan
Thought Crimes for All Occasions. No Charge. |
166 | 8.0 |
Christian Vanderbrouk @UrbanAchievr @43ForAmerica, @bulwarkonline |
167 | 8.0 |
Elizabeth Nolan Brown @ENBrown ✨sex, speech, tech, justice, politics, & panic✨ Senior editor @reason magazine. Co-head @feministliberty ☀️ Extreme morning person |
168 | 8.0 |
Directed THE OUTPOST, THE CONTENDER, LAST CASTLE. Created COMMANDER IN CHIEF. Vet. Journo. Husband to Kyra. Dad to Hunter, Paige, Isaac (and our dog Potus) |
169 | 8.0 |
Charles Fain Lehman @CharlesFLehman Fellow @ManhattanInst • Contributing Editor @CityJournal • Former @FreeBeacon • Opinions my own |
170 | 8.0 |
Editor at large, @Reason. Co-conspirator, @wethefifth. Books:… Music:… |
171 | 8.0 |
L.A. Times Opinion @latimesopinion Home to commentary and news analysis from @latimes ✉️: |
172 | 8.0 |
Andrew Donaldson @four4thefire Mountaineer diaspora | Veteran | #Writer | ME @ordinarytimemag | Words @YonderandHome @arcdigi & elsewhere | purveyor #twittersupperclub | DMs open for inquires |
173 | 8.0 |
Professor of Medicine and Surgery @GWSMHS @GW_MFA, Interventional Cardiologist, @CNN Medical Analyst, @ScribnerBooks author |
174 | 8.0 |
Washington correspondent at National Review and fellow at National Review Institute. |
175 | 8.0 |
Politics stuff at The Daily Beast. Take these tweets seriously but not literally. |
176 | 8.0 |
Editor Emeritus,, host of "The Ben Shapiro Show,” NYT bestsellers "The Right Side of History" and "How To Destroy America In Three Easy Steps" |
177 | 8.0 |
Stand Together Communications. Writes in obsolete vernacular. All views expressed my own. |
178 | 8.0 |
Commentary @DCExaminer. Contributor @TheFirstonTV. Formerly @NRO, @USC_Econ Review. Kafkaesque. Don't say I didn't warn you. ig: @TianaTheFirst |
179 | 8.0 |
Christopher J. Scalia @cjscalia Academic Programs, @AEI. Co-editor, Scalia Speaks & On Faith. Words in @WSJ, @USAToday, @NRO, et al. Bad teams/good music/great books. m. @AdeleScalia, dad x4. |
180 | 8.0 |
Alexandra DeSanctis Marr @xan_desanctis writer at National Review, fellow at EPPC. Notre Dame alum. wife to a wise, Twitter-less man. writing can be found in my diary and elsewhere. Romans 8:38 |
181 | 8.0 |
@CBSThisMorning's "big cheese boss" Formerly of Quibi, @Vice & @meetthepress. Links, likes, RTs aren't endorsements. JFGI. TV isn't magic. I made an A- in Evil |
182 | 8.0 |
NeverTrump, pro-democracy opinion writer at @WashingtonPost, MSNBC contributor. “If right doesn’t matter, we are lost.” |
183 | 8.0 |
Public Affairs at Ridgely|Walsh. Alumna of @RoyBlunt, @JebBush, @nro, @NR_Institute, @ReformNetwork. @RameshPonnuru's wife. Mom of 3. |
184 | 8.0 |
R.J. Lehmann is Editor-in-Chief of @LawEconCenter. Cofounder of @RSI. Newark native. Portuguese citizen. Syracuse Newhouse/Maxwell alum. I know insurance stuff. |
185 | 8.0 |
Conservative, Orthodox Christian, Southerner, Europhile, eclecticist. Author of 'The Benedict Option', 'Live Not By Lies'. Sr editor, The American Conservative |
186 | 8.0 |
Kept by my pets. Reader, knitter, baker and recovering news junkie. |
187 | 8.0 |
Contributing editor, Daily Kos. I'm a recently retired doctor who tweets about politics, and sometimes, being a doctor. Personal account, reflecting my own view |
188 | 8.0 |
Stephen Gutowski @StephenGutowski Founder of Firearms Reporter. Gun-safety instructor. Philly fan. IG:… Contact: |
189 | 8.0 |
Politics reporter at HuffPost. California raised, Bosnia born. Former Chargers fan. |
190 | 8.0 |
Bloomberg Opinion writer. Writes about economics, tweets about rabbits. Newsletter: |
191 | 8.0 |
Dad. Economist. Current: @ucabusiness @ucabears @acre_uca. Former: @BuenaVistaUniv @StLawrenceU @MasonEconomics |
192 | 8.0 |
Columnist @TheWeek / Author: The Theocons; The Religious Test / "To the right of the left & the left of the right" |
193 | 8.0 |
Itinerant Greco-Roman, in love with two cities and one wonderful woman. Working on news credibility and fact-checking @Google |
194 | 8.0 |
Writer | Independent conservative | Contributor: @dcexaminer @ArcDigi, others | Wife | Mom of boys 👦🏼👶🏼| ➡️ Not in your tribe. |
195 | 8.0 |
Mom, Wife, Senior Meteorologist @foxnews, NYT bestselling author of Mostly Sunny, Freddy @frogcaster and Make Your Own Sunshine. Opinions are all mine. |
196 | 8.0 |
Political Analyst. UF Poli Sci Ph.D. Evangelical (still). Anti-insurrection. |
197 | 8.0 |
Berny Belvedere @bernybelvedere Editor in Chief @ArcDigi. Host of Belvyland. Co-host of Arc Digicast. I write a daily newsletter called DiscRep. 👑 of The Discourse™ |
198 | 8.0 |
Your Jeopardy! pal. Author of PLANET FUNNY ( and a bunch of other stuff. OMNIBUS co-founder ( |
199 | 8.0 |
Senior Columnist for @TheDailyBeast. Podcaster @MattLewisPod. Co-host @DMZShow. Speaker @LAIspeakers |
200 | 8.0 |
The only host of the only podcast |
201 | 8.0 |
Sarah Longwell
CEO, | Publisher, | Founder @RVAT2020 & @ForTheRuleofLaw | mom of two boys | Avoided twitter until 2018. |
202 | 8.0 |
Ariel Edwards-Levy @aedwardslevy Polling + election analytics editor @CNN; keeping (cross)tabs on public opinion and the news. LA native, formerly @HuffPost. I like puns. |
203 | 7.9 |
Born USSR | raised Brooklyn. Columnist @nypost, Contributor @SpectatorUSA, Contributing Writer @dcexaminer magazine. |
204 | 7.9 |
Reporter @ProPublica. FULFILLMENT: Winning and Losing in One-Click America. 'Like Leadbelly says, no use for the bourgeois towns.' |
205 | 7.9 |
Resident Fellow - American Enterprise Institute. Work and mobility are my beat. @BulwarkOnline, @USAToday, @LawLiberty, @thehill, @TheDispatch |
206 | 7.9 |
AEI Fellow, Fox News, Wash Post columnist, Co-host of "What The Hell Is Going On?"… |
207 | 7.9 |
born/raised in MN, now honing my exquisite sensibilities and awaiting my first Georgetown cocktail party invite in DC. interested in politics, sports, culture. |
208 | 7.9 |
@SEBTS Research Professor of English and Christianity & Culture. @RNS Columnist: One Eye Squinted. Author: OnReadingWell, FierceConvictions, CulturalEngagement |
209 | 7.9 |
Managing editor/resident Catholic, @reason. Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends? |
210 | 7.9 |
Senior writer, Bloomberg @economics. Ex @FT. Aussie member Red Sox nation. RTs not endorsements. |
211 | 7.9 |
You have issues. - Twitter |
212 | 7.9 |
Proud husband and father. Reluctant accountant and COO. Recovering Hollywood producer. Classical Liberal. |
213 | 7.9 |
Terry Teachout @TerryTeachout1 Critic, biographer, playwright, director, unashamed Steely Dan fan, ardent philosemite. "Any minor world that breaks apart falls together again." |
214 | 7.9 |
Freelance Designer + Illustrator | Beer Brewer | Meat Smoker | Owner at #MLGD Matt Loehrer Graphic Design |
215 | 7.9 |
⏱Minutes. Tips to @covenanthouse |
216 | 7.9 |
ryan teague beckwith @ryanbeckwith 2020 reporter at @Bloomberg. Part-time journalism teacher at @hoyajournalism. Isaiah 8:12. RTs≠RTBs. Opinions: © Ryan Teague Beckwith. |
217 | 7.9 |
Avi Woolf, Wilderness Conservative🐺 @AviWoolf 3rd class Elder of Zion. Wilderness con. Podcast: Articles:… Open DMs. |
218 | 7.9 |
Senior Fellow, AEI | Co-host, What the Hell is Going On?… |
219 | 7.9 |
Rachel Bitecofer
Elections analyst, political strategist, Prof of the Dark Arts, Ph.D., @The__Cycle, @ElectionWhisperer pod, Co-Founder of GOP's Reckoning via @StrikePac |
220 | 7.9 |
G. Elliott Morris
Data journalist @TheEconomist. Book about polls and democracy forthcoming @wwnorton. My blog/newsletter on public opinion, data, &c: |
221 | 7.9 |
James Lindsay, DARPA for the culture war @ConceptualJames Not-NYT Bestselling author. Math PhD. Founder of New Discourses. Apolitical. Against totalitarianism and supremacy of all kinds. For freedom. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 |
222 | 7.9 |
"Ut!" - The Flaming Carrot Bylines at @bulwarkonline and @ebertvoices and @oscopelabs |
223 | 7.9 |
Incisive commentary on urban policy, politics, and culture. Published by @ManhattanInst and edited by @BrianACity. |
224 | 7.9 |
Brad Polumbo 🇺🇸⚽️ 🏳️🌈 @brad_polumbo Policy Correspondent, (@feeonline) | Contributor @DCExaminer & @NRO | Senior Contributor @YoungVoicesOrg | Views My Own | |
225 | 7.9 |
Economist, I work on tax policy and/or inequality. Editor of @JPubEcon. Professional skeptic. Anti-illiberal. If vowels are missing, the tweet is in Polish. |
226 | 7.9 |
I work as a senior fellow in energy with @RSI, but I speak for myself. |
227 | 7.9 |
Franklin Harris @FranklinH3000 Professional editor. Don't let the typos fool you. Freelance writer. Pop culture critic. Personal account. Opinions not my employers'. Humean being. |
228 | 7.9 |
My username's a nom de plume AND a description. Independent conservative Asian lady, drifting somewhere to the right of center, but NOT with Trump. 😷 Agathist. |
229 | 7.9 |
Planned Parenthood Director turned Pro-Life Advocate! CEO of @ATTWNministry. Global Ambassador for @COL1972official. Best selling author & speaker. Mama/Wife |
230 | 7.9 |
Rabble rouser. Mountain mama. Conservative cohost @TheView 🇺🇸🌵 |
231 | 7.9 |
@NYTimes national political correspondent. @CNN political analyst. |
232 | 7.9 |
Health Economist and programmer. Two-time winner of the award for the most orthogonal content relative to the rest of @ModeledBehavior's feed |
233 | 7.9 |
Truth seeker. Accountability Holder. Journalist. Awesome Mom. Airer of gripes about the “Hubs.” If it matters to you, it matters to me. |
234 | 7.9 |
Tablet columnist, Author Join my corresponding society: |
235 | 7.9 |
A razor toothed gree-worm. Attempted wonk. Successful smuggler. Not a reply guy, a replier extraordinaire. |
236 | 7.9 |
Associate Director of James @MadisonProgram & Politics Lecturer @Princeton. Senior Fellow @WitherspoonInst. Professor Emeritus of Political Science @RadfordU. |
237 | 7.9 |
Stop scolding me, I'm vaccinated @jtLOL Get vaccinated. Or don't. What do I care? You leave me alone, I leave you alone. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
239 | 7.9 |
Father. Husband. Retired Army Sergeant. Medic. Finding it increasingly lonely in the middle. |
240 | 7.9 |
Sports Enthusiast - PBA Tour Bowling, Tarheels, Lakers, Cowboys, Bluejays, and Sabers fan--Political Enthusiast |
241 | 7.9 |
Visiting Professor, Georgetown Law; Executive Director, @GUConstitution. Abolition constitutionalist. Con law, philosophy, puppies, hoops. I speak for myself. |
242 | 7.9 |
National Editor, Cook Political Report. PBS NewsHour “Politics Monday.” Cycling enthusiast. Lover of all things summer. |
243 | 7.9 |
Politico/MSNBC Email me, steinpolitico @ or samsteintdb @ or DM |
244 | 7.9 |
Opinion journalist, Washington Post. Author of Rise of the Warrior Cop, and The Cadaver King and the Country Dentist. Honorary Duckmaster (3/24/18). |
245 | 7.9 |
Reaganite activist and technologist |
246 | 7.9 |
Associate Director @CatoTrade. Formerly @WTO. Founded Taught @MelbLawSchool, @UMichLaw, @AUWCL. |
247 | 7.9 |
Volume writer, hesitant shooter. Raptors reporter @TheAthleticTO, co-host @columbiaHP, editor emeritus @RaptorsRepublic. Not a tag team. IG: eblakemurphy |
248 | 7.9 |
Critic-at-large @NRO, fellow @NR_institute, columnist @nypost & theater critic @NewCriterion. Turned off notifications from those who don’t follow me. |
249 | 7.9 |
Washington Post congressional reporter, devotee of Philly sports, Springsteen and all things UD Fightin' Blue Hens. |
250 | 7.9 |
Husband, father, cancer survivor, Congressman from the Great State of Texas. Freedom works. |
251 | 7.9 |
Mom, wife of a Heidelberger 🇩🇪, #Terp 🏑 and 🥍alum, 🏋️♀️, #Crossfit Level 1, lover of food and travel. #ALLCAPS #momswholift #WomaninAuto #sportsmom |
252 | 7.9 |
Chief Strategist, @RandPaul for Senate/RANDPAC. Opinions here belong to someone who hacked into my account, obviously. |
253 | 7.9 |
Karma's janitor |
254 | 7.9 |
"One hard-nosed political commentator." Words in @arcdigi, @dcexaminer, elsewhere. Long-suffering Philly fan. George Lucas' "Star Wars" is the best "Star Wars." |
255 | 7.9 |
Senior Fellow of Wearing American Flag shirts. Ed. Mediaite. Write/Pub'd Blaze, PJM, USA Today, AmSpec, DW, RedState, NRO, fortune cookies, manifestos, napkins. |
256 | 7.9 |
Projects: When America Worked, Scherable, The DMZ. Bylines: Washington Monthly, POLITICO Magazine, Real Clear Politics. (Avi by @Jess_Sassenach) |
257 | 7.9 |
Basketball dude @TheAthleticNBA/co-host of Raptors Reasonablists. Invented the #hottake. Even my superficial stories are super official. |
258 | 7.9 |
EiC @ChristandPC. Assoc. Prof Eng @OBUnews. Leadership Council @Andcampaign. Author: #DisruptiveWitness, #YouAreNotYourOwn @ivpress. #hcqa1. #Bald. #SicEm PCA |
259 | 7.9 |
White House reporter @CBSNews digital. All things politics and junk food. “Unrepentant candy corn apologist.” Cheez-Its stan account. |
260 | 7.9 |
Idiot. Storyteller. Colonoscopy advocate. Trying to make more corrections than mistakes. WGAW. |
261 | 7.9 |
An idea is salvation by imagination~Frank Lloyd Wright |
262 | 7.9 |
I'm Washington bureau chief for The Daily Beast. @CNN political analyst. Love my rescue dog. CBUS native. Ohio State fan. Go Bucks! All my tweets are my own. |
263 | 7.8 |
Campaign hack. Cubs stan. Dad. Drummer. Snowboarder. Fall 2016 @HarvardIOP Fellow. **Kicked** leukemia's ass like a boss. |
264 | 7.8 |
Old-Time Baseball Photos @OTBaseballPhoto Celebrating baseball from the ages through the eyes of old baseball photos. SABR Member |
265 | 7.8 |
Kevin Michael Kruse
Historian: White Flight; The New Suburban History; Spaces of the Modern City; Fog of War; One Nation Under God; Fault Lines; Voter Suppression in US Elections. |
266 | 7.8 |
Garfield’s Ghost @Occamsreznor Account of Scott Thigpen, dad to four kick ass kids and partner to an amazing woman. Politics, history and energy policy junkie. Autism and disability advocate. |
267 | 7.8 |
Don’t follow me and get shocked I agree with the Catholic Church on all matters of faith and doctrine, idiots |
268 | 7.8 |
Founder and reigning monarch at TPM. Lapsed historian. Polk Award winner. ✡️ |
269 | 7.8 |
POLITICO Chief Economic Correspondent and Morning Money columnist. CNBC contributor. Encrypted email: DM for Signal. |
270 | 7.8 |
Dave Kitzinger 🇺🇸🏴☠️😷💉 @dfkpgh Still conservative; looking for a home; Proud Human Scum; Cheesehead, Packers and Steelers Fan; USAF Vet and retired IT Mgr. #PrinciplesFirst |
271 | 7.8 |
Dad to Ryan, David and Anya Proud husband of @kateashaw1 Host of @allinwithchris on MSNBC, weeknights at 8pm. #WITHPod Host Cubs fan Insta: chrislhayes |
272 | 7.8 |
Carissa Byrne Hessick @CBHessick Criminal law professor at the University of North Carolina. Director of the Prosecutors and Politics Project (@ppp_unc). |
273 | 7.8 |
Once with The Daily Caller before it went insane. Also once a U.S. foreign service officer and (still) an attorney. Tips? Threats? |
274 | 7.8 |
Acquire nonfiction for Broadside Books and Harper. Freelance write on culture, religion, politics. Tweet about classic film. Brooklyn redneck. Opinions my own. |
275 | 7.8 |
Priscilla Jensen @offhandmanor1 Assistant Editor emerita, Weekly Standard * Don’t say “lay down” unless it’s the burden of sin * Ne jetez aucun objet au dehors * |
276 | 7.8 |
Robert VerBruggen @RAVerBruggen Full-time dad of three, part-time @NRO policy writer, @FamStudies research fellow, Wisconsin native, @MedillSchool alum, metalhead, gamer. Tweets my own. |
277 | 7.8 |
My dad likes my tweets | |
278 | 7.8 |
No reason this national security stuff can't be fun. @SenTomCotton. Alumnus @JebBush @MittRomney. Ex-USAF nuke guy. @harvardiop. pew pew |
279 | 7.8 |
Sanctioned by Iran. CEO @FDD. Iran, China, sanctions. Raised 🇨🇦 Proud 🇺🇸 Annoyingly nonpartisan. Try to be polite.… |
280 | 7.8 |
Permanent Secretary of the Department of Bad Takes |
281 | 7.8 |
Doctor. Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery . Aggie Dad. Golf, Sports. Politics. Wine enthusiast . |
282 | 7.8 |
Founder of @punchbowlnews. @nbcnews/@msnbc. Phish/Dead fan. Author of NYT best seller, “The Hill To Die On”. |
283 | 7.8 |
Michael “In A Move Likely To Anger China” Mazza @mike_mazza @AEI @globaltaiwan @gmfus. China. Taiwan. Japan. Korea. SE Asia. Dog dad. People dad, too. |
284 | 7.8 |
Portland Police @PortlandPolice Sworn to Protect. Dedicated to Serve. Portland, Oregon. NOT MONITORED 24/7. Call or Text 911 for Emergencies (in progress) or 503-823-3333 for Non-Emergencies. |
285 | 7.8 |
Benjamin Wittes
Senior Fellow at the @BrookingsInst. Editor in Chief of @lawfareblog. Cohost of @inlieuoffunshow. I will block you for any reason or none at all. |
286 | 7.8 |
Maarten Lambrechts @maartenzam Data journalist | Data designer | Visualization consultant |
287 | 7.8 | |
288 | 7.8 |
Managing editor, Washington and politics, Politico. RT means it's interesting. Don’t send me your op-ed pitches. |
289 | 7.8 |
poet 🏹 art and other things for @bulwarkonline |
290 | 7.8 |
President of CAP, liberal, Indian American, feminist, mom, wife. Not in that order. Views expressed are most definitely my own. |
291 | 7.8 |
Washington Examiner @dcexaminer Political news and commentary from the Washington Examiner. |
292 | 7.8 |
Scott Greenfield @ScottGreenfield Criminal defense lawyer, blawger at Simple Justice, I'm not on your team. |
293 | 7.8 |
John Tierney is the co-author of "The Power of Bad" and "Willpower." He is a contributing editor at City Journal and contributing science columnist at the NYT. |
294 | 7.8 |
Christian, husband, dad, Pastor of Alameda Baptist Church, Norman, SWBTS alum, OU alum. |
295 | 7.8 |
Bethany Mandel
Wife to @sethamandel | SAHM homeschooling momma to 👩🏻🦰🧑🏻🦰🧑🏻👶🤰 + 🐕 | Editor @Ricochet | Contributing writer @DeseretNews / @DeseretMagazine |
296 | 7.8 |
Politics editor, Washington Examiner. Author of Devouring Freedom: Can Big Government Ever Be Stopped? |
297 | 7.8 |
Jessica ; Being Normal @BadPostsLLC stocks are currently normal. business is currently normal. |
298 | 7.8 |
I remain skeptical about Twitter. Also: White House buro chief for @washingtonpost. @MSNBC and @NBCNews senior political analyst. And @nytimes alum. |
299 | 7.8 |
@thedailybeast's Editor-in-Chief. Back in the day: @Wired, @ForeignPolicy, @BrookingsFP. PGP: |
300 | 7.8 |
Editor/writer, Salem Media, Hot Air, The Debrief, UAP Research. Horseradish farmer. Jets fan. Curmudgeon. Opinions are my own and I've got a lot of them. |
301 | 7.8 |
Apparently "Mr. Open The Schools." Managing Director @PurpleStrats. Political and corporate reputation strategist. Dad. Detroit sports. Roll Wave. Not Gov of NC |
302 | 7.8 |
Editor of Commentary. Columnist, New York Post. Co-Founder of the murdered Weekly Standard. Overuser of the phrase "blithering idiot." |
303 | 7.8 |
Investigations & enterprise reporter @washingtonpost. Fan of hot sauce, the coast, college football, cities & IPAs. |
304 | 7.8 |
Start your morning with Joe Kernen, Becky Quick, and Andrew Ross Sorkin - Monday through Friday from 6-9a ET. |
305 | 7.8 |
Proud rodeo mom, soccer mom, baseball mom, hockey mom, constitutional conservative. Honored to serve the people of Wyoming in Congress. |
306 | 7.8 |
Govt & Politics Prof, @UofMaryland. Author: Red, Green and Blue & Party Position Change in American Politics. Co-author: The Party Decides. |
307 | 7.8 |
Law professor at Cal @BerkeleyLaw.… |
308 | 7.8 |
Face The Nation @FaceTheNation Moderated by @margbrennan of @CBSNews, we are America's premier public affairs program | 📸 IG: @facethenation |
309 | 7.8 |
Andrew Fleischman @ASFleischman I work on behalf of the wrongfully or unfairly convicted for @rossandpines. Constitutional cultist. Opinions are my own. |
310 | 7.8 |
Chief theatre critic, The Times. I also write about music & books. Politically homeless. Insta: clivephotos E: clivedav44@gmail |
311 | 7.8 |
Philosopher @UofSC, fellow @HumanEcologyCUA, podcaster @eudaimoniapod. Mother to many. Defender of philosophia perennis. Frequently argues w/ @FreyChristopher. |
312 | 7.8 |
bottomless buffet of my opinions and endorsements | Retweet Friday™ curator | many tweets about bands | don’t follow me if you know me IRL |
313 | 7.8 |
Political & Media Historian. Author: Talk Radio's America Editor @madebyhistory. Fellow @penn. |
314 | 7.8 |
Lead Toronto Raptors reporter for @YahooCASports |
315 | 7.7 |
Steven Shepard @POLITICO_Steve Senior campaigns and elections editor and chief polling analyst for @politico. |
316 | 7.7 |
White House Correspondent for @CNN |
317 | 7.7 |
Undisputed king of stuff. Editor-in-Chief, @Ricochet. Contributor, @azcentral. Dread Sovereign, King of Stuff podcast. “Worst of the worst,” Bulwark. IC XC NIKA |
318 | 7.7 |
not the darth you are looking for |
319 | 7.7 |
Software Engineer in North Carolina |
320 | 7.7 |
Author of the forthcoming children’s book, The Handsome Little Cygnet, the story of a family of swans in Central Park! Also wrote Mehan’s Mythical Mammals! |
321 | 7.7 |
Senior Economist @JECRepublicans. High Priest Emeritus of #DBCFT Twitter Prime ePop must go above 81% |
322 | 7.7 |
New Yorker staff writer and Houston Rockets fan; formerly a staff writer at Slate and senior editor at The New Republic. |
323 | 7.7 |
Dir. of Litigation, @hamlinclaw. I founded CCAF, which has won over $200M for class members. “Legendary” — Reuters. “The US needs more Ted Franks.” — WSJ. |
324 | 7.7 |
Film critic and editor. Contributing writer for @TheAtlantic and Contributor for @Forbes. All opinions my own. RTs are not necessarily endorsements. |
325 | 7.7 |
NREMT-B. ED Unit Clerk/CNA. Nursing student. Autodidact. Runner. Sometimes funny. Liberal. ✌🏻 |
326 | 7.7 |
@SBTS MDiv Student, Web Developer for @CTmagazine. Patron Saint of Gojira. Deacon of Creation Care. Potential Motorcycle Mechanic. 7w8. 🌊🐢 |
327 | 7.7 |
Senior writer, @NRO. Also, @nypost. Syndicated columnist. Author. Music snob. |
328 | 7.7 |
Timothy Sandefur @TimothySandefur VP @GoldwaterInst, adjunct @CatoInstitute, contrib ed. @TheObjStd, “Tim the Lawyer” @AandGShow, but here I speak only for myself. Obviously. |
329 | 7.7 |
Manhattan Institute @ManhattanInst MI is a think tank whose mission is to develop and disseminate new ideas that foster greater economic choice and individual responsibility. #IdeasMatter |
330 | 7.7 |
doing my best |
331 | 7.7 |
Matt Glassman @MattGlassman312 Senior Fellow @GAIGeorgetown. Former @CRS4Congress. Knows too much about Leg Branch funding. Poker/bridge tweets @mattg312cards |
332 | 7.7 |
Not Brian France @Not_BrianFrance Pound sand, Brian France. Parody |
333 | 7.7 |
Research analyst @LongWarJournal. MALD candidate @FletcherSchool. Alum @Illinois_Alma. Focused on jihadism and political violence in Africa and the Middle East. |
334 | 7.7 |
Drew Savicki 🦖🦕🦖 @SenhorRaposa Formerly: contributor @270toWin . I (sometimes) write about elections. CT-IL-NC. Be prepared for bad food takes #ActuallyAutistic🧙♂️🗺️ He/Him |
335 | 7.7 |
Bloomberg Opinion. Also, I root for the Giants. The Making of the Presidential Candidates 2020. Sign up for Early Returns! |
336 | 7.7 |
@washingtonpost book critic. Immigrant/Peru. Author of WHAT WERE WE THINKING: A Brief Intellectual History of the Trump Era. |
337 | 7.7 |
Thread Reader App @threadreaderapp I'm a 🤖 to help you read threads more easily. Reply to any tweet of a thread and mention me with the "unroll" keyword and I'll give you a link back 😀 |
338 | 7.7 |
Read more at and at Reach me via |
339 | 7.7 |
@tpcarney’s better half. Mom of 6 kids and 2 dogs. Townie. Former staffer and researcher. Expect many typos & grammatical errors from the wife of an editor. |
340 | 7.7 |
National correspondent at Politico.,, DM for Signal or Whatsapp |
341 | 7.7 |
Justice Correspondent: @thenation Alignment: Neutral Good. Str:12 Dex:8 Con:15 Int:13 Wis:10 Char:14 Class: Paladin. Strong Against: Republicans. |
342 | 7.7 |
Economic & political historian. I do data analysis about the past & present. Lockdowns failed. Opinions are my own. RT =/= endorse. |
343 | 7.7 |
Senior Editor, @FDRLST. Senior Journalism Fellow, @Hillsdale. Fox News Contributor. Lots of Babylon Bee retweets. |
344 | 7.7 |
Editorial Board @dissentmag. Pretty sure I started the trend of labeling the modern US Right as “revanchist.” Charming in person, but we’re not there. |
345 | 7.7 |
Gabrielle 🤓+🐰vs 🌏 @contextual_life Professional book pusher. Armchair human. Opinions my own (not always my best)✏️”The limits of my language mean the limits of my world" Wittgenstein |
346 | 7.7 |
Texan | Conservative | Business Strategy / Law | #PrinciplesFirst: |
347 | 7.7 |
@bullpenstrat ... former @businessinsider @ASU etc. |
348 | 7.7 |
Megathread Meathead @GrillBoyCecil I design buildings, smoke meat, and lift weights. |
349 | 7.7 |
Dog person. Author of the award-winning North of the Tension Line series,and a book of essays, “Reflections on a Life in Exile”. |
350 | 7.7 |
Editor of Symposium, a journal of liberalism, Also The Tracinski Letter, |
351 | 7.7 |
NPR national security correspondent. Used to roam the Middle East, Asia, Africa and Russia. |
352 | 7.7 | |
353 | 7.7 |
Gay stuff and corruption. Partnerships and policy @stopbigmoney and @letamericavote |
354 | 7.7 |
Marc Porter Magee @marcportermagee I live in Virginia with @kportermagee, our 3 adorable kids, and 2 scruffy dogs. CEO & founder of @FiftyCAN. New Project: @AdvocacyLabs. |
355 | 7.7 |
Michael Beschloss
PRESIDENTS OF WAR, nine other books. @NBCNews Presidential Historian. PBS @NewsHour. Opinions my own. Born Chicago. Called "normally sober" by Financial Times. |
356 | 7.7 |
Reporter @FreeBeacon. DMs open. Pronouns: he/he. I am only to be referred to in the nominative case; accusatives and datives are inherently objectifying. |
357 | 7.7 |
@mental_floss VP/editor-in-chief, host of The List Show & Throwback on YouTube, ailurophile, TR & #NYR fan. THE CURIOUS READER out May 25th! she/her |
358 | 7.7 |
Retired; former lawyer and USTR official specializing in trade negotiations and disputes |
359 | 7.7 |
D.S. Sebastian Jab me, Bro @DSSebastian1 I’m only here because someone has to ramrod this hellsite and I’m, you know, a giver. |
360 | 7.7 |
Coffee aficionado ☕️ @UF @UFLaw alumna 🐊 @Mediaite Contributing Editor 📺 Freelance writer 💻 Aspiring pâtissière 🍰 *tweets = my opinion* 🇺🇸 |
361 | 7.7 |
Steve Javie burner @hoopsshit4L8r Not Steve Javie’s official twitter account. This account is only a burner account. |
362 | 7.7 |
Stephen Michael Davis @ScubaMySteve Pro America, global capitalism, and liberty. Anti populism, socialism, and nationalism. Yes indeed, pumpkin seed. #GoPackGo |
363 | 7.7 |
Mom, 3 boys. Direct @IWF Center for Progress/Innovation. Host Bespoke Podcast, Author, From Cupcakes to Chems. Contribute @NRO @huffpost @FDRLST @WSJ @USAtoday |
364 | 7.7 |
Foreign and Defense Policy Studies, American Enterprise Institute (@AEI) |
365 | 7.7 |
I make ads for a living, but live for my girls. |
366 | 7.7 |
Reason is the monthly magazine and website of “free minds and free markets” published by @ReasonFdn. |
367 | 7.7 |
occasional @bulwarkonline. @ordinarytimesmag former: @aldailynews. like/retweets ≠ endorsements. |
368 | 7.7 |
Writer & game designer. Professor of media studies, computing, business, architecture @GeorgiaTech. Contributing Writer @TheAtlantic. Editor @ObjectsObjects. |
369 | 7.7 |
Ukraine & Europe news and culture, classical music - mostly Mahler, history, literature. Estonia and e-Residency. |
370 | 7.7 |
Husband/Dad | Headhunter | Clemson Alum| Business Owner | My Kids say I’m ”Old School” |
371 | 7.7 |
Director, Faith Angle Forum, an EPPC program that helps mainstream journalists better understand religion. Wisconsin-to-DC transplant. Wannabe cyclist. |
372 | 7.7 |
Tetrao "Tidewater" Urogallus @g_sharp_major Adopted son & heir with Christ. Husband. Father. Craft beer enthusiast. Dude. |
373 | 7.7 |
Now: Doing stuff on the world wide web | Past: @BuzzFeedNews | Currently a New Yorker, forever a miserable DC Sports fan |
374 | 7.7 |
John McWhorter
Linguist at Columbia, Slate's Lexicon Valley, Contributing Ed. at the Atlantic. Next books: 9 NASTY WORDS, THE ELECT. For hot takes, |
375 | 7.7 |
Esau McCaulley Ph.D @esaumccaulley asst prof of NT @wheatoncollege Contributing opinion writer @NYTimes bylines @washingtonpost @RNS @CTmagazine author: Reading While Black. |
376 | 7.7 |
M.E., Government Rankings @USNews in the key of life, Wayward Floridian, Devout Bluesman. Reflections on Reality:… |
377 | 7.7 |
Founder, EIC @FiveThirtyEight. Author, The Signal and the Noise ( Sports/politics/food geek. Not a virologist. |
378 | 7.7 |
Economist + DataViz | @PolicyViz @urbaninstitute | #PolicyVizPodcast | #BetterPresentations #ElevateTheDebateBook #BetterDataVisualizations | All views my own |
379 | 7.7 |
Follower of Christ, wife, mother of two awesome sons, conservative, physical therapist, sports fan, classic rock music fan. |
380 | 7.7 |
Culture writer, novelist, co-author of Stan Lee's ALLIANCES, and one half of @femchaospod. New book, NO ONE WILL MISS HER, coming 10-12-2021. |
381 | 7.7 |
Kristin Wilson @kristin__wilson Covering Capitol Hill for CNN, mostly the House. Weirdly obsessed with House Rules Committee and the Alaskan of the Week. I'm bad at Twitter. |
382 | 7.7 |
Host of Drew Hernandez Live • Investigative Reporter • Commentator • @RealAmVoice Contributor • Support👇🏻 |
383 | 7.7 |
Keith Humphreys @KeithNHumphreys Esther Ting Memorial Professor at Stanford University. Public policy advisor, film buff, and native of West by God Virginia. Writing at Washington Post. |
384 | 7.7 |
Jeffrey Goldberg
Editor in chief, The Atlantic. |
385 | 7.7 |
average king. "one of the former greats" - paul f tompkins |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
387 | 7.7 |
Hooch Acquisition Corp @barrelproofing Bourbon | Barbecue Kingpin | Chairman, Rattlesnake Caucus | Holiday Inn Express La(z)y Theologian | Article V Convention Flack | Yes, I see the typo |
388 | 7.7 |
thank God Lance was here to entertain everybody |
389 | 7.7 |
Newsman @WSJ. Just a lad from Leeds with a lust for markets, economics and history. My views, you're welcome to them. |
390 | 7.7 |
Trade/Asia guy. Texan. Longhorn. Die-hard STL Cardinal fan. Views are my own until I run out of ideas. Waiting for life to be set to Explosions in the Sky song. |
391 | 7.7 |
Director of @CatoInstitute's @Libertarianism. Co-host @FreeThoughtsPod. Free Market Buddhist (@MarketBuddhist). Mystery and horror writer. |
392 | 7.7 |
🙅♂️- Memphis Grizzlies @memgrizz Tweets from #GrindCity. #GRZNXTGEN |
393 | 7.7 |
Amanda Smithfield @asmithfield high school librarian, proud proponent of civility, and founder of @projectciv. Strong opinions loosely held. Opinions are mine. |
394 | 7.7 |
General Manager of WRFH 101.7 FM + Journalism @Hillsdale. Host of @HillsdaleRadio. Co-host of @Political_Beats at @NRO. Illinois transplant. Opinions my own. |
395 | 7.7 |
The Alex Nowrasteh @AlexNowrasteh @CatoInstitute Dir. Immigration Studies. “Harsh libertarian critic.” Globalist. Elitist. Cosmopolitan. Dadx3. All tweets are peer reviewed. |
396 | 7.7 |
Will Wilkinson 🌐 @willwilkinson Publisher of Model Citizen 🏙 Senior Fellow, Progressive Policy Institute. |
397 | 7.7 |
Silent comedy enthusiast and memorabilia collector. Pfizer vaccinated. La Chingona. |
398 | 7.7 | |
399 | 7.7 |
1. "[A] constant source of good ideas"… 2. "[L]ike watching old Andy Griffith reruns" @Macoman4u1 |
400 | 7.7 |
We are not going to agree on everything... and that is good. *Rabid Steelers Fan* @ShilohCarnegie #TJAMS |
401 | 7.7 |
Personal account. Senior Policy Economist at @WhiteHouseCEA. Formerly Evercore ISI, @USTreasury, @UpshotNYT. |
402 | 7.7 |
Charlotte Donlon @charlottedonlon Writer | Spiritual Director for Writers | Book-The Great Belonging | Essays: @washingtonpost @CatapultStory @The_Millions @curatormagazine + IG-charlottedonlon |
403 | 7.7 |
Evan Feigenbaum @EvanFeigenbaum Vice President @CarnegieEndow; 2019-20 James R. Schlesinger Distinguished Professor @Miller_Center; twice US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State; Asia's future. |
404 | 7.6 |
he/him |
405 | 7.6 |
Husband, Father, MBA, Banker, Guitarist, Mr. Fix it, Grillmaster, Packers fan,All-round awesome guy. |
406 | 7.6 |
Phil Mattingly @Phil_Mattingly @CNN Senior White House Correspondent•Ohio raised•434•845•913•30•813•910•419•614•617•202•212•202. |
407 | 7.6 |
WashPost reporter covering FBI, DoJ. (202) 617-6330. Author "October Surprise: How the FBI Tried to Save Itself and Crashed an Election” |
408 | 7.6 |
Not from Pennsylvania. @cumberlink alum. |
409 | 7.6 |
Marshall Power Locke @MarshallLocke Philosophically conservative. Temperamentally moderate. On the lookout for glimpses of high light and eternal beauty. |
410 | 7.6 |
Former WH Press Secretary. FOX News contributor. Yankees and Dolphins fan. “Afleischer” on Parler. |
411 | 7.6 |
The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. Winston Churchill |
412 | 7.6 |
• I’m just a mirror • |
413 | 7.6 |
U.S. Africa Command is responsible for military relations with nations & regional organizations in Africa. Follows/retweets ≠ endorsement. |
414 | 7.6 |
Just a guy that makes beer, maybe other things.... ok lot's of other things. |
415 | 7.6 |
no visible means of income |
416 | 7.6 |
Classically liberal hot takes and other musings. Formerly Capitol Hill, currently think tank. Massachusetts native inside the Beltway. Opinions are mine alone. |
417 | 7.6 |
Managing Editor @fivethirtyeight |
418 | 7.6 |
Advancing Counterintelligence and Security Excellence |
419 | 7.6 |
Conservative • Feminist • Opinion at @ArcDigi • @WPLNetwork • “Because I still believe in spite of everything that people are truly good @ heart” • “Be content” |
420 | 7.6 |
Capture content that fascinates you from across the web, then read, watch, or listen to it in Pocket. Get the Pocket app and fuel your mind. |
421 | 7.6 |
Gadfly and metaphysician. Art, photography, books, jazz. Recovering Yale history major. The situation is hopeless but not serious. |
422 | 7.6 |
Husband to @jehabig & Dad to Nico. Principal @50p1 & ED @morethanavote. Fmr CM @CoryBooker & @GavinNewsom. @ShannonSharpe once called me a heavy hitter. He/him. |
423 | 7.6 |
Politics, culture, business, science, technology, health, education, global affairs, more. For assistance, visit |
424 | 7.6 |
Christine "Go Donate Blood" Rousselle @crousselle Mainer. Catholic. DC Correspondent at @cnalive/@ewtn. @providencecol alumna. Irish dancer. likes bagels, the Habs, and Minnie Mouse. John 21:12. |
425 | 7.6 |
🏴☠️ Not Jonah Goldberg 🏴☠️ Also not a Labrador 🏴☠️ Rarely writes haikus 🏴☠️ |
426 | 7.6 |
ProperGander Stephen Simpson @BamaStephen Husband, Father, Uncle, Son, Brother, Pastor, Editor, Writer, Speaker, Encourager, Networker, Traveler, Seeker, Dreamer, Doer ... and Weather Geek |
427 | 7.6 |
Justice Department @TheJusticeDept Official DOJ Twitter account. Please refer to DOJ’s privacy policy for DOJ use of third-party websites here:… |
428 | 7.6 |
Robert P. George
McCormick Prof. of Jurisprudence, Princeton University + Bluegrass Banjo Picker + Co-author: *What is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense*. unWoke/uncancellable |
429 | 7.6 |
Priest of the Congregation of Holy Cross. Rector, Zahm House, University of Notre Dame. Thomas More Fellow, ND Center for Ethics & Culture. |
430 | 7.6 |
movies, politics, and #twittersupperclub . Nicolas Cage Stan. I will follow you back. MA and N.H. politics |
431 | 7.6 |
More fun than a pit bull filled with candy. Astute mistress of the gif search engine. |
432 | 7.6 |
Son of a man who was far from perfect, but I loved him anyway. Party ID does not equal Party Registration. #RenegadeJew |
433 | 7.6 |
Dem. Fmr Senior Advisor, Communications for @PeteButtigieg. |
434 | 7.6 |
Lawrence Muscant @LawrenceMuscant Senior Vice President at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (RT & Follows do not constitute endorsement). Views expressed are my own. |
435 | 7.6 |
Mike Morrison 🦬 @MikeKMorrison ⳩, Dad, woodworker, @Rockies fan, Digital/Communications professional, @Hillsdale grad, ΣΧ, Lutheran Khante enthusiast 🦬. Bad takes are all mine. |
436 | 7.6 |
Professor @IowaLawSchool. Views mine only. Interests: administrative law, constitutional law, tax law, politics, jokes, memes, nonsense. (Grey-wall) |
437 | 7.6 |
Republican operative. 0-1 amateur boxer. |
438 | 7.6 |
2018 US Olympic Gold Medal Curling Coach🥇🇺🇸/Men’s & Mixed Doubles National Coach- USA Curling/MN Gopher Hockey Fan/Golfer/Small Town Guy/Opinions are my own |
439 | 7.6 |
Special correspondent, The Sunday Times |
440 | 7.6 |
Deputy Washington editor at @NBCNews Digital. Proud grad of @LSU, JM student @GeorgeMasonLaw. Fan of the Houston @Astros. |
441 | 7.6 |
HOA Survivor |
442 | 7.6 |
Ray 💉💉 Double-Vaxxed @RayPaseur Photographer, Dog-Father to Lucky & Dog-Park Horticulturist |
443 | 7.6 |
Toronto Raptors NBA Beat Reporter @TSN_Sports, @TSN1050Radio, Facebook: IG: jlewgram |
444 | 7.6 |
a to the bed. 🇵🇭 director of women's @solesavy. |
445 | 7.6 |
Books editor at @reason; author of THE UNITED STATES OF PARANOIA (HarperCollins) and REBELS ON THE AIR (NYU Press). Stoopnocracy is peachy. |
446 | 7.6 |
Adam Rubenstein @RubensteinAdam formerly @nytimes, @nytopinion, an editor and writer @weeklystandard. |
447 | 7.6 |
twitter attorney to all the pups |
448 | 7.6 |
the lawyer with the dragon tattoo @peejesq FORSAN ET HAEC OLIM MEMINISSE IUVABIT |
449 | 7.6 |
I’m far from finished, so a biography is premature. “Retweet” doesn’t mean “Like.” |
450 | 7.6 |
"I know I'm just a squish libertarian and stuff, but..." (the sage words of @scottlincicome) |
451 | 7.6 |
Nicholas A. Christakis
Sterling Professor of Social and Natural Science at Yale. Physician. Author of Apollo's Arrow; Blueprint; and Connected. Luckily wed @ErikaChristakis |
452 | 7.6 |
Julie Fredrickson @AlmostMedia Exited Founder. Angel Invest & Advise (DMs open) Doomer & stonk influencer 🥴 #startups #finance 👫to @AlexLMiller via NYC & @Uchicago born in Silicon Valley. |
453 | 7.6 |
Ancient Twitter scholar and former East African. Swims in ponds. |
454 | 7.6 |
Dodgers Fan Pablo G @DodgersFanPG Master of karate and friendship for everyone! Best Under-550 Follower Account on Twitter ™ Sandwich Law Originalist #DruCru |
455 | 7.6 |
I’m here to learn things and to be kind. |
456 | 7.6 |
Matt Sarelson, Esq. - Red Team Legal @MSarelson I represent clients, not causes. 305.773.1952 Licensed in Florida, New York & D.C. |
457 | 7.6 |
Co-Founder of Punchbowl News. Yankees fan. Boston sucks. |
458 | 7.6 |
Writing my first book for Norton; @TheDailyBeast Columnist; Senior Fellow @WStatesCenter & @AuburnSeminary; @TheLavinAgency Speaker; |
459 | 7.6 |
Clean. Articulate. Punching Up @freethinkmedia Punching Down @wethefifth • Sharpening My Oyster Knife #MLIDAIDDS |
460 | 7.6 |
A stream of consciousness from the Neoliberal Project. Consequentialist. Radically pragmatic. A project of @CNLiberalism and @PPI |
461 | 7.6 |
Michael Freeman @michaelpfreeman Blessed with a great and growing family and terrific clients who pay me to write things. SDSU Jackrabbits alum. Fan of @Twins baseball. Conservative ex-GOP. |
462 | 7.6 |
Ronald Brownstein @RonBrownstein Brownstein, a 2-time Pulitzer Prize finalist, is a senior editor @ The Atlantic, a senior CNN political analyst & author of NYT best-seller Rock Me on the Water |
463 | 7.6 |
@MarquetteU polsci prof. Blogger. Elections, coffee, sharp sticks. She/her. Pod: Write: @misoffact, @fivethirtyeight, etc. |
464 | 7.6 |
Want to travel, go to movie theaters, or catch a game at the ballpark like me? Then get vaccinated! |
465 | 7.6 |
Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian
China reporter @axios. Writing a book on China for @HarperCollins. Previously, lead reporter @ICIJorg’s China Cables. 中文. Send me your secret documents. |
466 | 7.6 |
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways - Is. 55:8. Jewish stuff + bad jokes. All opinions subject to change. |
467 | 7.6 |
Craig Whiteside @CraigAWhiteside teach at the @NavalWarCollege resident program @NPS_Monterey; co-author of The ISIS Reader (Hurst/Oxford 2020); dad, scout, sports fan, and Geronimo |
468 | 7.6 |
A Starting Point: @ASP |
469 | 7.6 |
CEO @greenhouse |
470 | 7.6 |
Professor @pennlaw. Teaching & writing & tweeting mostly about contracts. Against et al. Pro legal jargon. Neutral on legal process. |
471 | 7.6 |
CNN, Immune to Mommy shaming & mobs. Damn Good Dawg. Author of “End of Discussion,” I have resting smirk face, & disagree w people for a living. |
472 | 7.6 |
Anthony Michael Kreis @AnthonyMKreis Law professor @GeorgiaStateLaw | Constitutional law, civil rights, employment discrimination, SCOTUS, American political development | ❤️ Georgia | 🏳️🌈 |
473 | 7.6 | |
474 | 7.6 |
🎙️ Grant&Danny @1067TheFan. MLB on @MLBNetworkRadio. 📺 NFL, NHL coverage @NBCSWashington. ✍️ @TheAthletic 🎤 Play-by-Play XFL-2020 @OfficialAFL. |
475 | 7.6 |
PhD student/Wokeness Studies scholar/@CSPICenterOrg fellow researching the 'Great Awokening' |
476 | 7.6 |
Econ/business/data reporter for @nytimes. Formerly: @fivethirtyeight, @WSJ. Adjunct @newmarkjschool. Photo by Earl Wilson/NYT |
477 | 7.6 |
Patrick Courrielche @courrielche Co-host of @RedPilled_USA, an iHeartRadio Original storytelling podcast. RTs/Fllws/Likes not endorsement. |
478 | 7.6 |
Political scientist. Professor. Writer. Mitchell Scholar. Reproached by Mikhail Gorbachev. “You want it to be one way, but it’s the other way.” |
479 | 7.6 |
National Political Correspondent for NBC News and MSNBC. My book, The Red and the Blue, is available now. Instagram: steve01450 |
480 | 7.6 |
The Immunity Haver @JonIsAwesomest Disgruntled but nice local newspaper reporter. My feed is bad politics takes, gushing over movies I watched, and pictures of pretty places I went hiking. |
481 | 7.6 |
I love Jesus. I love Scripture. I like people. I like diversity. My interactions and follows do not equal endorsements or reflections of doctrinal alignment. |
482 | 7.6 |
Vice President, @TargetedVictory | Former: @NRCC, @JebBush, @MittRomney |
483 | 7.6 |
Mets, Jets, Knicks, Rangers, & Orange. Don't know the difference between Kenyan & Keynesian? Don't use either as an insult. "Libtard" has no place in discourse |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
485 | 7.6 |
Jessica Huseman @JessicaHuseman Editorial director of @VotebeatUS. Texan who refuses to live elsewhere. 2020 @CNN analyst. Teaching: @IBWellsSociety, & @nyu_oj. Breaking: Every jello mold. |
486 | 7.6 |
News director, @nymag's @Intelligencer |
487 | 7.6 |
Columnist for @Bopinion. National Security Journalism Fellow at @ClementCenter Read my longer stuff at @commentary and @readliberties |
488 | 7.6 |
Comedian. Screenwriter. Occasional MSNBC guy. Wellbutrin enthusiast. Recovering monster. Album: |
489 | 7.6 |
I map the world with words. Founding Fellow, The Servi Institute ( @ServiOKC ). |
490 | 7.6 |
I went to seminary and now I edit books. I’m not like *other* Baptists. |
491 | 7.6 |
Lincoln Project co-founder. Ad guy. NYT #1 bestselling author. We won. He lost. Beware people with strategic patience, money, and lawyers. |
492 | 7.6 |
Senior Washington Correspondent at The Washington Post. Political Analyst for NBC News & MSNBC. Co-author of “A Very Stable Genius,” a No. 1 NYT Bestseller. |
493 | 7.6 |
The Libertarian Boomer Norm +/- 1 Std Dev @Timberati Retired forester. Humboldt State grad. Water master for a neighbor-water company. Interested in private solutions to public needs. Pro-vax. Pro-GE. Pro-mask. |
494 | 7.6 |
Columnist for @bopinion. Founder of Peachtree Creek Investments. Geriatric Millennial. Fintwit, demographics/elections, Atlanta. The future is a policy choice. |
495 | 7.6 |
Editor @newcriterion Publisher @EncounterBooks columnist \ @theamgreatness @spectatorUSA @EpochTimes Bio Books |
496 | 7.6 | |
497 | 7.6 |
First Amendment & defamation lawyer. Free Speech Counsel at @techfreedom, doing the #Section230. #Illini, music junkie, oofnik. Tweets/opinions are my own. |
498 | 7.6 |
Co-founder and Executive Director @DataProgress. Overton Window Mover. Polling for @TakeBackTheCt + @theappeal. Board @SecurElections. seanadrianmc @ gmail |
499 | 7.6 |
Family first. 🦚 Executive Producer @msnbc @ruhleonmsnbc 9am. Bigger sports fan than your girlfriend. Bleed Dodger Blue. @Cronkite_ASU alum. Sevilla NO8DO. |
500 | 7.6 |
Union Thug | Armchair Theologian | Politics Tyrant | Recipient of Grace |
501 | 7.6 |
Brown, with purple nipples Second half of the Habibi Bros. I got a talent for being randomly selected at airports. Pronouns: eat/ass |
502 | 7.6 |
Attorney | Holy Cross '06 | dog lover | political science, finance, sports, and music junkie. Neoliberal 🌐 |
503 | 7.6 |
Washington Correspondent, New York Magazine. Writing a book with @RyanLizza for Simon & Schuster’s Avid Reader about 2020. 📩 |
504 | 7.6 |
The original Room Raters. Rating bookcases, backsplashes and hostage videos since April, 2020. Tweets by Jessie & Claude. |
505 | 7.6 |
Editor in chief at National Journal. Soccer player, cocktail nerd. Occasional Mick Jagger impersonator. Georgetown. RTs do not = endorsements. |
506 | 7.6 |
D.C. bureau chief of Mother Jones, MSNBC analyst, & author (with @Isikoff) of the NYT No. 1 best-selling book RUSSIAN ROULETTE. |
507 | 7.5 |
I write about drinks, public policy, and other vices. Buy my book, The Rediscovery of Tobacco: Subscribe: |
508 | 7.5 |
Technology reporter ✨ DM tips on anything related to creators/influencers or the online world✨ FOLLOW ME ON IG: #skobuffs |
509 | 7.5 |
@Dartmouth poli sci professor, @UpshotNYT contributor, @BrightLineWatch co-organizer. Before: @fordschool @umich / @CJR / Spinsanity / All the President's Spin. |
510 | 7.5 |
Professor @UMichEcon & @FordSchool | @NYTimes contributor | Senior Fellow @BrookingsInst & @PIIE | Intro Econ textbook author | Think Like an Economist podcast |
511 | 7.5 |
University of Chicago professor, RTs not equal endorsement. Index card book at: |
512 | 7.5 |
Taxsplainer for @Law360. Fan of Purdue, Butler, Colts, Pacers, Indians & curiosity. Views here are mine, or Batman's. Retweets are endorphins, not endorsements. |
513 | 7.5 |
Fakeserpounce-Standing With Israel. @fakeserpounce Royal Lap Warmer and Master of Red Keep pest control. |
514 | 7.5 |
THE OFFICIAL twitter account for The Secret. NEW BOOK: 'The Greatest Secret'. NEW MOVIE: "The Secret: Dare to Dream" & NEW APP: "The Secret Super App". |
515 | 7.5 |
Politics Editor @WSJ. Former @nationaljournal @washingtonpost & @rollcall. @UCBerkeley alum. L.A. native. Vin Scully forever. |
516 | 7.5 |
Richard McElreath 🦔🧇 @rlmcelreath Evolutionary anthropologist @MPI_EVA_Leipzig / Bayes & data science book:… |
517 | 7.5 |
Ob/Gyn doc & weekend farmhand. Sports and history fan. Excited about learning each and every day. RT does not = endorsement, but could be of interest. |
518 | 7.5 |
Harrison Hickman @HickmanPolls Views are mine, not my clients’. |
519 | 7.5 |
Exiled academic Western Civilization is pretty cool The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream |
520 | 7.5 |
Lizzie O'Leary
Her desultory air perplexed him. host, What Next TBD @slate. columnist for @wealthsimple |
521 | 7.5 | |
522 | 7.5 |
Washington Post reporter in Southern California. Capitol Hill escapee. Formerly AP. |
523 | 7.5 |
Brendan Gutenschwager @BGOnTheScene Independent reporter on the scene documenting rallies, protests, breaking news & more in the US. DM for inquiries |
524 | 7.5 |
We haven’t got shelterinis |
525 | 7.5 |
You can drag a horticulture but you can't make her think. Freelance writer and reporter. Formerly @FiveThirtyEight @NewYorker. |
526 | 7.5 |
@washingtonpost games reporter and waifu war correspondent | Email: | @csuf Titan |
527 | 7.5 |
Think out loud for New York Magazine's Intelligencer. |
528 | 7.5 |
Editor of @NRO. Author of Fear Your Future, Overcoming Obamacare. Formerly Executive Editor, @dcexaminer |
529 | 7.5 |
Health care comms. |
530 | 7.5 |
A blog about politics, politics, and politics |
531 | 7.5 |
Amie Stepanovich @astepanovich she/her. exec dir @siliconflatiron; board @netedfound; ad board @futureofprivacy. tweets mine. i have nothing to prove to you. former @epicprivacy, @accessnow. |
532 | 7.5 |
through meditation i program my heart to beat breakbeats and hum basslines upon exhalation. (works at @facebook, views my own, etc) |
533 | 7.5 |
Executive Vice President of The Cato Institute; Author, The Libertarian Mind; opinions are my own. |
534 | 7.5 |
Sr. Political Analyst, Fox News Channel. Arguments welcome. Name callers & verbal abusers blocked. Parler Acct: BritHumeFoxNews |
535 | 7.5 |
US and European political commentary with the occasional BravoTV analysis. |
536 | 7.5 |
Double L must Rock The Bells @LoveThePuck Love God, Love Life, Love Peace, Love Sports.. I love my AKA 💗💚#VSU #Caps #Knicks #WFT #UMichFB #HoyasBB #Orioles #TwilightZoner #MJ #LupusWarrior 💜 |
537 | 7.5 |
Host of the the New John Batchelor Show; novelist as John Calvin Batchelor. Above: 4th Light Horse with Allenby, entering Judean Hills, 1918. |
538 | 7.5 |
George T. Conway III
Lawyer. Contributing columnist, @WashingtonPost. Aspiring to become an all-Corgi feed. |
539 | 7.5 |
Reporter for @latimes · President of @MediaGuildWest · May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house. |
540 | 7.5 |
☧ | Baptist pastor 🐃 | Assuredly joking |
541 | 7.5 |
Reporter @9NEWS • CO Native • Fight On • Story Ideas: |
542 | 7.5 |
Writer. I’m just here to make friends. |
543 | 7.5 |
Toronto Star columnist, father of four, TSN contributor. We can be good, and we’re gonna make it. DMs open, or |
544 | 7.5 |
Tax lobbyist. IRS Enrolled Agent. Prez of @CFEconomy. Go @patriots. @examiner ctrb. Markets/fiscal, paleo/foreign, Catholic/social. Senate unconfirmable. DM me. |
545 | 7.5 |
Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) (Following & RTs ≠ endorsement) |
546 | 7.5 |
OIR Spokesman Col. Wayne Marotto @OIRSpox The non-anonymous, official military Spokesman for Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR), the 83-member @Coalition to Defeat Daesh (ISIS). RTs/Follows≠endorsement. |
547 | 7.5 |
This is the most public yet of my many humiliations |
548 | 7.5 |
North Carolinian. Former Capitol Hill, RNC, campaign flack. Ex-CNN’er, Harvard IOP fellow. Tar Heels, Yankees, Sinatra, Springsteen, Lexington-style BBQ fan. |
549 | 7.5 |
Andrew Stuttaford @AStuttaford Editor, National Review Capital Matters. Views correct, and my own. R/T not an endorsement. |
550 | 7.5 |
DC comms, ex-Hill. Freelance commentary writer. Words: @nytimes @NRO @washingtonpost @foxnews @FDRLST etc. Views my own. Keeper of receipts. Maker of🧵threads🧵 |
551 | 7.5 |
freelance journalist | bylines: @nytimes @npr @opb & others | Signal/ WhatsApp +1 503-967-9503 | | |
552 | 7.5 |
The power of FOX News on the Radio! |
553 | 7.5 |
bon vivant, !@#$ *occasionally paid* political strategist "He seems intent on outclevering everyone." NYT Review Of Bonks |
554 | 7.5 |
Bally Sports: Grizzlies @GrizzOnBally Memphis Grizzlies basketball from the Bally Sports Southeast perspective. Friends with Pete, Brevin, Fish & Vernon. |
555 | 7.5 |
Staff writer, @TheAtlantic. Author of THE WILDERNESS. “Sort of handsome” - Donald J. Trump. |
556 | 7.5 |
Christopher Jackson 🦬🦬🦬 @revcjackson Great and Honorable Lutheran Khan. Lutheran pastor in @thelcms. |
557 | 7.5 |
U.S. Marine, Meme Economist, and Senior Writer @Townhallcom. Previously @DCExaminer and @Mediaite. |
558 | 7.5 |
I’m not on your team. Also, 8/2(2+2)=16 even if it hurts your feelings.… |
559 | 7.5 |
Michael Patrick Tracy. Dude, I finally got the venue I wanted. |
560 | 7.5 |
Richard Skinner @richardmskinner Census decennial veteran. @misoffact, @BrookingsInst, @legbranch. Many hats, @arlingtondems. Opinions my own. Hire me: |
561 | 7.5 |
“A bitter heart will not reveal a spring that love remembers” Catholic|Black Feminist|Proud FLAwoman|Pluviophile|Frank Ocean Fan|@nodehausco|#CJReform|#BLM|🇭🇰 |
562 | 7.5 |
Cybersecurity reporter at @politico covering federal cyber policy, election security, and all things hackable. @hothtakes co-host. Send tips: |
563 | 7.5 |
EVP, @Arnold_Ventures | Proud @HPSInsight alum | American aquarium drinker | Political independent | 2015 Baines Cup Champion | "Hope is not a strategy." |
564 | 7.5 |
Opinion @latimesopinion Columnist @WIRED, @1843mag / Late of @realtrumpcast, @nytimes / Podcast “After Trump” / PhD fwiw |
565 | 7.5 |
Elections. @Con_Speak. Housekeeper to @BrookeNevils, cats, dog. Was @r2rusa, @NRSC, others. Jayhawk, Cantab, Eli. Normal disclaimers apply. Abnormal ones too. |
566 | 7.5 |
Editor @ Fox News Digital. Read my book on Big Tech: Catholic. Wife guy. Personal acct, rt=/=endorse, etc. |
567 | 7.5 |
You can tell a man’s vices by his friends, his virtues by his enemies. |
568 | 7.5 |
POLITICO co-congressional bureau chief. |
569 | 7.5 | |
570 | 7.5 |
Tweets from the North. #WeTheNorth #RTZ |
571 | 7.5 |
#VizResponsibly. #dataviz for health and social good. Executive Director @datavizsociety & Data Viz Lead @excellaco. Tweets my own. She/her. |
572 | 7.5 |
Jessica Hullman @JessicaHullman Assoc Professor @NorthwesternCS @MedillSchool Creating smarter interactions w/data, calling out overcertainty. Visualization, uncertainty, Bayesian cognition |
573 | 7.5 |
The Lincoln Project @ProjectLincoln "You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” – Abraham Lincoln 🏴☠️ |
574 | 7.5 |
Prof. @nyutandon. Working on data visualization. Italian 🇮🇹. Father of 3. Lately living a sort of nomadic life. Host of @datastories podcast. |
575 | 7.5 | |
576 | 7.5 |
Former DHS & Pentagon spox. Retired Marine. World champions Caps & Nats fan. Views are my own. |
577 | 7.5 |
More worried about the jokers than the clowns at the moment. EIC of Ordinary Times. Got something to say? My DMs are open. |
578 | 7.5 |
News updates from the #1 news source in the Pacific NW. See it all at Find reporter and more accounts in our lists. |
579 | 7.5 |
boquetrapo |
580 | 7.5 |
Heather Wilson
@UTEP President. @NSF Board. Former @usairforce Secretary, @sdsmt President & NM Congresswoman. Mom. Pilot. Not a good cook; just ask the kids. |
581 | 7.5 |
Writer. Lesbian. Veteran. Texan. Hoya. She/Her. Rep: @lynnjohnstonlit Alum: @HRC | Email: | Subscribe: #BLM |
582 | 7.5 | |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
584 | 7.5 |
Amanda Carpenter
Columnist @BulwarkOnline. Never means NEVER. Gaslighting America author. You might see me on CNN. January 6 Commission now, please. |
585 | 7.5 |
Historian of the 19th Century U.S. and Associate Prof. at Maryville College. Author of Rebels on the Border and Civil War along Tennessee's Cumberland Plateau |
586 | 7.5 |
Spaceflight photographer capturing Earth’s out-of-this-world moments. Campaign photographer for @Inspiration4x |
587 | 7.5 |
M. Edward Whelan III
Distinguished Senior Fellow and Antonin Scalia Chair in Constitutional Studies, @EPPCdc; co-editor (1) SCALIA SPEAKS, (2) ON FAITH, (3) THE ESSENTIAL SCALIA |
588 | 7.5 |
Philadelphia Phillies @Phillies Phillie Phanatic's burner account. Catch us at our crib: @PhilliesCBP. #RingTheBell |
589 | 7.5 |
Husband. Father of four. @AmerComm and @Comm4Prosperity president. Syndicated columnist. IFC chairman. Mets fan. |
590 | 7.5 |
Saving lives across all populations thru cancer prevention & #EarlyDetection. #Daretoimagine a world where no one dies of cancer! Follows & RTs ≠ endorsements. |
591 | 7.5 |
Kyle Feldscher @Kyle_Feldscher Senior White House editor at @CNNPolitics. @jacqklimas' husband. |
592 | 7.5 |
MLB Cathedrals ⚾️ @MLBcathedrals Photo history, everything MLB ballparks, past and present. Listed as Top Follow by: @TheAthletic, @SINow, @sportingnews, @WSJ & @MensHealthMag. Not aff. w/@MLB. |
593 | 7.5 |
Independent reporter working to change the news business. Previously: tech and econ for @washingtonpost, @voxdotcom, @arstechnica. Subscribe to my newsletter! |
594 | 7.5 |
Life-improving tech, freedom, former R Associate @CatoInstitute |
595 | 7.5 |
I hold the microphone like a grudge |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
597 | 7.5 |
MENA analyst.Bylines in @dcexaminer @Jerusalem_Post @TheNatlInterest @Newsweek &elsewhere. Views are my own.RT≠ endorsement. Likes could be bookmarks etc |
598 | 7.5 |
Subscribe 👇 |
599 | 7.5 |
VP, Executive Editor, Broadside Books & Harper. Libertarian Quaker. Author of OH, THE MEETINGS YOU’LL GO TO! Okay to DM book ideas. Never sealioning. |
600 | 7.5 |
Fox News, Co-anchor of America’s Newsroom, Co-host of The Five, Fmr Press Sec to George W. Bush. Speaking opps: |
601 | 7.5 |
Member of @USATODAY’s Board of Contributors, contributor to @TheWeek, editor of The Quotable Hitchens, are you bored yet? |
602 | 7.5 |
Lecturer at Acadia University. Judicial politics, authoritarianism, Islamic law. Specializing in Sudan/Egypt. Occasionally free speech on campus issues as well. |
603 | 7.5 |
Pawpaw to Skye; Jewish; center-right independent; wife-Sheralyn; daughter-Ebony; granddaughter-Skye; Astros; Rockets; Texans; Cougars; Classical music; sports. |
604 | 7.5 |
Managing Editor, Occasional talking head on cable news. Paid spokesperson for spiders. |
605 | 7.5 |
ABC News White House correspondent, @WHCA board member, Philly sports fan, Georgetown Hoya, mom of 3 |
606 | 7.5 |
Historian and journalist. Ideas Editor @TheAtlantic. |
607 | 7.5 |
Savoyard. 1st Amendment lawyer. Founder of ÞALA. |
608 | 7.5 |
Host of Rising w/ Krystal and Saagar. Host of @RealignmentPod Fellow @Steamboat_Inst |
609 | 7.5 |
Happily married to my Dave; love my three grown kids; news & political junkie. |
610 | 7.5 |
Stuart Stevens
I worked in 5 R. presidential campaigns. Wrote 8 books. Latest: "It Was All A Lie." Trumpism is threat to democracy. At @ProjectLincoln we’re fighting. Join us. |
611 | 7.5 |
Ibuprofen Hippo 🪓🌲🔪🐋 @JimJamitis thought criminal | artist | wood sculptor | writer | humorist | politically homeless |@JJWoodSculpture on IG |
612 | 7.5 |
Follower of Christ (not as good at it as I should be), wife of 25 years, mom of four |
613 | 7.5 |
the GOP is rotten to the core. tear it down and start over |
614 | 7.5 |
Local church Pastor. Author of “The Unsaved Christian” and “Getting Over Yourself.” On The Local Dive Podcast. LET’S GO! Luke 19:10 #BradyClass |
615 | 7.5 |
Eric Michael Garcia @EricMGarcia Tar Heel. Author: We're Not Broken (2021). Words: @washingtonpost @theweek @newrepublic. "The People's Blue Check." He/Him. |
616 | 7.5 |
@NBCNews Capitol Hill Correspondent. Host, #WayTooEarly, 5am ET M-F @MSNBC. Once/always #Wire1 @AP. Why are you awake?! Tell us: |
617 | 7.5 |
Tweets definitely my own. Now: @KochIndustries. Then: stints w/ @google, @axios, @thedatatrust, @teamimge, energy & campaign hack. Always: Michigander. #GoBlue |
618 | 7.5 |
K Tully-McManus @ktullymcmanus Reporting on Congress for @rollcall & @CQNow ktmcmanus(at)cqrollcall(dot)com, DM for Signal #NPFPaulMiller Always: @TuftsAlumni 🐘 & Red Sox fan |
619 | 7.5 |
Molly Jong-Fast
Editor at large @thedailybeast. podcasting @newabnormalpod & Wife of @Mattgreenfield & mother of @woketeenageson |
620 | 7.5 |
Communications consultant in Richmond. UVa fan. Tweet about politics, music and college sports. Tweets are my own, personal opinions..dictated but not read |
621 | 7.5 |
Supreme Court, @dcexaminer. |
622 | 7.5 |
Here for the news, not for followers |
623 | 7.5 |
I wrote The Enthusiast | I host The Internet Read Aloud | I am the Comics Curmudgeon |
624 | 7.5 |
I write Galaxy Brain, a newsletter about tech and culture. formerly @nytopinion. charliewarzel@gmail DMs open. ig for dog pictures: cwarzel |
625 | 7.5 |
Thomas Massie
U.S. Rep KY4, co-Chair 2A Caucus, greenest member of congress, MIT 93 Bachelor of Science EE, MIT 96 Master of Science #sassywithmassie #PoliticalScienceDenier |
626 | 7.5 |
Exec Director @AllianceInit. Contributor to @FreeBeacon and other publications. Born & raised in VT. Israel, DC, now LA. Car guy. School @uvmvermont & @Yale |
627 | 7.5 |
AP western political writer. Father, hiker, pizza snob, Mets fan. RTs confirm your darkest suspicions. Signal, WhatsApp + voice (720) 470-4319 |
628 | 7.5 |
Caitlin Huey-Burns @CHueyBurns Political Reporter for @CBSnews, CBSN. Email: |
629 | 7.5 |
happy bead-swinger/mackerel-snapper; grammar nerd; native Texan; traditional conservative; book-lover; classic movie fan. |
630 | 7.5 |
Eliana Johnson
Editor-in-chief @FreeBeacon. Formerly White House correspondent @POLITICO. DMs are open. Obsessed w condiments / gchat: eliana.y.johnson |
631 | 7.5 |
Proudly Social Distancing Since 1996 |
632 | 7.5 |
Meridith McGraw @meridithmcgraw White House Reporter @POLITICO, formerly @ABC. DM for Cell/Signal, Often seen with Daisy the basset hound. Hook 'em horns. |
633 | 7.5 | |
634 | 7.5 |
We provide independent, relevant & timely oversight of the DoD, which promotes economy, efficiency, and effectiveness. RT≠endorsement |
635 | 7.5 |
Pieter Van Ostaeyen @p_vanostaeyen Historian & Arabist - PhD candidate @KU_Leuven - Independent Analyst - Visiting fellow @EFDBrussels - Member of the editorial board @ICCT_TheHague |
636 | 7.5 |
Liberal / Christian / "great husband" / "Papa" / "human scum" / #STLCards / phan / helping people @crackoldbooks |
637 | 7.5 |
TV news, Cable news ratings and sharp opinion covering Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, Fox Business and CNBC. |
638 | 7.5 |
Correspondent @60Minutes+/@CBSNews, Sometimes writer @GQMagazine and elsewhere, Contributing editor @MarshallProj // |
639 | 7.5 |
Armchair epidemiologist (self-certified) @yellingatwind Applied microeconomics & stats/risk mgmt/public policy A weakness for case studies. It's the assumptions, stupid. I only read the footnotes. |
640 | 7.5 |
I write for The New York Times at @UpshotNYT. I cover elections, polling, and demographics. Northwest expat. |
641 | 7.5 |
Resident Scholar and Director of Poverty Studies @AEI. Previously Executive Director, Joint Economic Committee. Late-blooming Beatles fanatic. Personal account |
642 | 7.5 |
Starscream CIA-Simulation Warlord 🇺🇸🦈🇺🇸 @zerosum24 Global Trendfollower of what matters. The Simulation is real, I’m here to break it. The news follows me. #Renegade #Glitch #Skynet #Merica #Patriot #NoGlow |
643 | 7.5 |
SoCal native. Athletic geek. I put words online. Pro liberty, free markets & debating ideas. I'm sure there's more. 3 girls, 1 boy. Sports is a must! |
644 | 7.5 |
Senior Space Editor at Ars Technica. Likes rockets. Author of the highly rated book LIFTOFF, on the origins of SpaceX. US:… |
645 | 7.5 |
Jorge Ventura Media @VenturaReport @dailycaller | field reporter | follow me on Instagram for daily news updates 👇🏼… |
646 | 7.5 |
DC lawyer doing cyber, tech, telecom, innovation. Mom&Wife. Sr Fellow+cyber dir. @masonNatSec. Board @womenshightech Formerly USDOJ. RTs not endorsements. |
647 | 7.5 |
Diplomatic correspondent & Senior Contributing Editor, The Jerusalem Post, podcast host, ex Knesset reporter. Proud Jew and Zionist. Wears pink on Wednesdays. |
648 | 7.5 |
Host of @WaitWait on @NPR. Author of "The Incomplete Book of Running," from Simon and Schuster, now available at independent bookstores or via link below. |
649 | 7.5 |
Stephen L. Brusatte
Paleontologist and professor at University of Edinburgh, dinosaur enthusiast and writer. Free born man of the USA. Immigrant. Husband & father. (views mine) |
650 | 7.4 |
Correspondent for @nytimes. Author of zero books. DMs are open. For sharing sensitive information or documents, contact me on Signal app at 646-394-3002 |
651 | 7.4 |
Shermichael Singleton @Shermichael_ Political Analyst and Op-ed writer. Lover of art, piano, philosophy, & competitive shooting. Co-Host/Co-Owner: @GunsOutTV. |
652 | 7.4 |
Joel D. Anderson @byjoelanderson Writer, @Slate. Host, Seasons 3 & 6 of Slow Burn + Hang Up and Listen + The Last Last Dance. Don't be too familiar. |
653 | 7.4 |
Immigration @propublica. Podcasting #TheWeeds. Compelled to precision. If you know things I ought to know, DM me “Signal” and I’ll send my # and delete the DM. |
654 | 7.4 |
Author/thinktanker/@aei. Latest book: Congress Overwhelmed: Congressional Capacity and the Prospects for Reform (2020). Enjoy fishing/dad-ing. Opinions mine. |
655 | 7.4 |
Meredith "Loud Bug Summer" Rose @M_F_Rose Grumpy feminist lawyer. Giant nerd. Senior Policy Counsel @PublicKnowledge. ©, tech, music, gaming, fandom. I talk about stuff. she/her 🏳️🌈 |
656 | 7.4 |
Black and exhausted. 👨🏾⚕️Respiratory Therapist. |
657 | 7.4 |
@ABC News reporter // SEND TIPS: DMs open, Secure: |
658 | 7.4 |
I'm a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and a member of the Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico. |
659 | 7.4 |
Political Reporter and Enterprise Editor for the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. |
660 | 7.4 |
Film/TV writer. (Inquiries: scott.w.tobias at gmail dot com) "I'm an expert in all things that nature abhors"—Mark Eitzel |
661 | 7.4 |
I write/edit @techdirt. I survived for 12 years without a bio on Twitter, but now I've added one. |
662 | 7.4 |
Natalie Johnson @nataliejohnsonn Comms director @RepNancyMace. JMU 2015. |
663 | 7.4 |
media reporter @thedailybeast |
664 | 7.4 |
Geek dude |
665 | 7.4 |
Lost Ballparks @lost_ballparks History of baseball's lost ballparks. |
666 | 7.4 |
kathykattenburg @kathykattenburg Looking for other aliens from my home planet. |
667 | 7.4 |
liberty • humility • discovery |
668 | 7.4 |
Christina Wolbrecht @C_Wolbrecht Political scientist @NotreDame. American politics, parties, gender. Books: A Century of Votes for Women, Counting Women's Ballots. Opinions my own. She/her. |
669 | 7.4 |
Dad. Writer @ Vox. Sisyphus stan. Email: |
670 | 7.4 |
Just Karen - “those Karens are gone w/the masks.” @kleegrubaugh Be kind. Reformed Christian. Conservative politics. @Econtalker @Commentary @JonahDispatch @NRO @CapitalRecord Will block all snark replies & all who “rupar.” |
671 | 7.4 |
Rabid Capitalist • @FEEonline Brand Ambassador • Host of BASED • Contributor @DCExaminer @Newsmax • Jesus Follower • Opinions mine |
672 | 7.4 |
National political reporter, @nytimes. On leave writing a book about Frank M. Johnson and George Wallace for @penguinpress. Tuscaloosa native. Ruth 1:16. |
673 | 7.4 |
The light inside is broken, but I still work. The Cadillac of online bookmarking sites. Alleged nocoiner. +1 415 610 0231 |
674 | 7.4 |
Assistant Professor of Public Policy, Politics, Education @UVA Co-author of "Making Young Voters" I tweet interesting social science |
675 | 7.4 |
A missionary for 16 years now, from Eurasia to America. Serving Christ and helping others to do the same. Opinion are my own. |
676 | 7.4 |
Obama appointee at DOJ/DHS. Senate Judiciary counsel to @JoeBiden and @YankeeStadium 🌭 vendor (not at same time). Dad joker and wannabe historian. Views my own. |
677 | 7.4 |
Nicholas Confessore
Reporter for @NYTimes, staff writer at @NYTmag, @MSNBC political analyst. |
678 | 7.4 |
Expert |
679 | 7.4 |
I am a national political reporter @WashingtonPost (on leave); working on a book with @realBobWoodward. |
680 | 7.4 | & Senior Editor for Data, @thisisinsider. Previously: @FiveThirtyEight and @WilliamAndMary. |
681 | 7.4 |
Christina Kopp @christinamkopp Managing Editor @nationalaffairs @AEI | Recovering JD | ND Alum | Tweets/Likes do not reflect the views of my employer |
682 | 7.4 |
Take the blue pill, the story ends. Take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the @WobBurner hole goes. | @WorldWideWob now on @Twitch. |
683 | 7.4 |
President @NewsCycleMedia - Fmr. Managing Editor @Mediaite & @theIJR - Fmr. Breaking News Editor @DCExaminer - 🇺🇸🏳️🌈 - Dog dad to Patton - #1A |
684 | 7.4 |
Editor @thedailybeast/columnist @NYDailyNews/host @faqnyc (from @NYUMcSilver & @brickhousecoop). DMs open, RTs ≠. Newsletter |
685 | 7.4 |
American elections commentator and analyst; Managing Editor, Sabato's Crystal Ball at UVA Center for Politics. Sign up free at |
686 | 7.4 |
Senior editor, data viz @FiveThirtyEight. Teacher @newmarkjschool. Almost Canadian. she/her |
687 | 7.4 |
37th President of the United States. Messages from the President unsigned, others from Ronald Ziegler. FAQ: |
688 | 7.4 |
New York Political Director for Spectrum News, Rockaway booster, big fan of lost causes including opera, horse racing, and the Buffalo Bills |
689 | 7.4 |
* CURRENTLY IN JAIL, ACCOUNT MANAGED BY FRIENDS * — Hong Kong activist〡joshua@joshuawongcf.com〡#UnfreeSpeech:〡#MilkTeaAlliance |
690 | 7.4 |
U.S.-China Commission @USCC_GOV The USCC is a bipartisan Commission created by Congress to monitor & report on trade, economic, and defense issues in the U.S.-China relationship. |
691 | 7.4 |
BaseballHistoryNut @nut_history Baseball History Nut *I do not claim to own any of these images* 🇨🇦 Not perfect by any means. Contact: |
692 | 7.4 |
Paul Cruickshank @CruickshankPaul Editor-in-Chief CTC Sentinel ○ Books: Nine Lives (2018) and Agent Storm (2014) which Guardian named one of top ten spy books of all time. |
693 | 7.4 |
PoliSci/comm prof. Voters, violence, psych, history. 📚: Neither Lib/Con; Ballots&Bullets; Rad Partisans. 🎓: UWisc UMich. Dad. Democracy. 🧗 He/him. Views=me. |
694 | 7.4 |
The Nod With Brittany & Eric Now on @Quibi. Hosted by Brittany Luse and Eric Eddings. Tag us @bmluse and @eeddings IG: @thenodshow |
695 | 7.4 |
Sociologist. Book-in-progress: How economics became the language of policy in #antitrust #environment #education @PrincetonUPress. Also tweet higher ed + more |
696 | 7.4 |
Editor @tnajournal ~ The mundane, observed, became the romantic The trouble with science: Best reached by email |
697 | 7.4 |
White House Correspondent, Yahoo! News. @IWMF 2020 cohort. Twitter’s resident Frasier lover. Young voter enthusiast. |
698 | 7.4 |
to state quite simply what we learn in the time of pestilence: that there are more things to admire in men than to despise. - Albert Camus |
699 | 7.4 |
Pennsylvania native living in Virginia. Writes @Reason. "Chronologically ambiguous." "Stay hungry, stay free, and do the best that you can." |
700 | 7.4 |
Hillsdale College, National Review, The College Fix, "The First Assassin," "Reading Around," Great Books Podcast, The Bookmonger, &c. |
701 | 7.4 |
Editor/critic at Member, New York Film Critics Circle. Author of Spider-Man: From Amazing to Spectacular, plus another thing soon. |
702 | 7.4 |
The player to be named later & House campaign reporter @njhotline || Past: @usatoday, @HussmanGrad, @tennessean || DM & Signal open || |
703 | 7.4 |
Editor of @njhotline. Ask-ari-nam: "ASK" like "ASK a question," "ARI" like "safARI," "NAM" like "VietNAM." |
704 | 7.4 |
Baseball History | Digital Artist Photo Editing/Restoration/Colorization ~ Vintage image content enhanced by @BSmile |
705 | 7.4 |
pca re at @rpcatx. pittsburgh sports. patron saint of empty beer bottles. ulysses and moby-dick apologist. i too like virginia woolf. spoused to @anialajoy. |
706 | 7.4 |
Capitol Hill Correspondent @nbcnews • Taller than I look on TV • Long-suffering @SMU & @DallasCowboys fan • Dog dad to Shiner |
707 | 7.4 |
I write about national politics and sinkholes for @motherjones. 508.308.4715. |
708 | 7.4 |
Senior staff writer, @POLITICO, @POLITICOMag. @TB_Times alum. @DavidsonCollege grad. Love Lauren and the girls. I let people keep talking. |
709 | 7.4 |
Nuclear policy, Asia, missiles, & space. Stanton Senior Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; Author of ‘KIM JONG UN AND THE BOMB’ (Hurst/Oxford) |
710 | 7.4 |
Your favorite sweet summer child. Undisputed Grand Master of the Sistine Selfie. Senior editor, Hot Air. Author, Going Red. Is Gaeilgeoir mé. |
711 | 7.4 |
Arnob 'missile defense is a scam' Alam 🌐 @arnoblalam PhD candidate in economics at American U. 'Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard' |
712 | 7.4 | |
713 | 7.4 |
Special Education Advocate, @PostAdoptLearn, proud @COPAA member |
714 | 7.4 |
Unfamous Pastor (PCA) / Husband, Dad & Army Vet / Lyme ♿️ / likes = like OR hey, lookit / Mercy triumphs over judgment / FWIW, my book: |
715 | 7.4 |
Southmayd Prof @YaleLawSch and Philosophy @Yale. Editor, @LegalTheory + Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. "Bad for Yale. Bad for America"—@orinkerr |
716 | 7.4 |
Here's why you're wrong... Just let me rule you, and you can have everything that you want. Just fear me, love me. Do as I say and I will be your slave. |
717 | 7.4 |
Lurker in chief. |
718 | 7.4 |
((Henry Atkinson)) @henrytatkinson Christian. Politics/History Junkie. Lifelong Trekkie. Fan of St. Louis Cardinals, St. Louis Blues, Indianapolis Colts, Indiana Pacers, and LA Lakers. |
719 | 7.4 |
Nonprofit news org providing vital reporting on our changing planet. We're keeping all aspects of the climate crisis — seen and unseen — in the public square. |
720 | 7.4 |
Nikole Hannah-Jones
Reporter @nytmag//Slanderous & nasty-minded mulattress//Co-founder //smart&thuggish//Creator #1619Project// |
721 | 7.4 |
Carl Quintanilla
@CNBC @NBCNews Anchor / @WSJ alum / @NYCityCenter board member / “There’s only one rule that I know of — ‘Goddamn it, you’ve got to be kind.’” - Vonnegut |
722 | 7.4 |
SallyVee - no unity without accountability. @VeeSally Lutheran. Never Trump. Ex-GOP. "There is a gap between those who think Trump is fit to be president and those who don't. It has no bridge." ~Jay Nordlinger |
723 | 7.4 |
Congress for @nytimes | Florida woman via Miami & @UF | tweets mine, especially about Broadway, Disney and my cat l call me beep me I |
724 | 7.4 |
Steve Haroz 📊👁️🧠 (at VSS) @sharoz Perception, visual cognition, and data visualization scientist. Also neuroscience, stats, and #OpenScience. Researcher at @Inria & @UnivParisSaclay he/him |
725 | 7.4 |
Devoted to the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense. |
726 | 7.4 |
Nick Diakopoulos @ndiakopoulos Northwestern Prof. of Computational Journalism. My award-winning book: Automating the News: How Algorithms are Rewriting the Media: |
727 | 7.4 |
I used to write laws… then I invented Knee Defender. ex-HPSCI, ex-Senate trade, tech, telecom, taxes, antitrust… crime & even reputed parliamentarian 🙃 |
728 | 7.4 |
White House correspondent, New York Times. |
729 | 7.4 |
London bureau chief, recovering White House correspondent, The New York Times; author, “Alter Egos” (Random House) |
730 | 7.4 |
Kimberley Strassel
Potomac Watch columnist for Wall Street Journal edit page. Please order my new book! Resistance (At All Costs). |
731 | 7.4 |
I defend myself, therefore I am. |
732 | 7.4 |
Former congressional lawyer |
733 | 7.4 |
A well-educated, God-fearing, reasonable guy with thoughts on the issues of the day. Here's to thinking clearly. |
734 | 7.4 |
American Journalists Publish Chinese Propaganda @JohnEkdahl Gio Urshela fan account. DJ LeMahieu is the greatest hitter who has ever lived. |
735 | 7.4 |
Minneapolis Star Tribune sports digital editor. @mndailynews alum. Husband. Father. Golfer. DMB. Stoughton proud. |
736 | 7.4 |
Senior politics reporter covering elections & voting @thisisinsider. @InsiderUnion hype woman. Bad speller. RTs/likes=👀 not 👍🏼 send tips |
737 | 7.4 |
...except that the puppy...was a dog. But the industry, my friends...that was a revolution. |
738 | 7.4 |
Staff writer @TheAtlantic. Senior Fellow @SAISHopkins and @SNFAgoraJHU. My new book is Twilight of Democracy: the Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism |
739 | 7.4 |
@NYTclimate | This Is the Year I Put My Financial Life in Order | Galveston BOI | Goofball | tips: |
740 | 7.4 |
So you want to run a purity-test based society? Cool. Are you perfect? No? Start there. |
741 | 7.4 |
Proud husband & dad to 2 awesome kids. Bush 41/McCain/Kasich strategist. @projectlincoln. Aggie. #ChiefsKingdom Retweets interesting |
742 | 7.4 |
Host @NBC #SundayTODAY, Co-Host @Morning_Joe, “Sunday Sitdown” Podcast, @TODAYShow, Producer credit on Lucie & George Geist with EP @ChristinaGeist |
743 | 7.4 |
Director @catoinstitute Project on Emerging Technologies. "I'm a liberal and I'm against this sort of thing."🚀🗽🤝💡☮️🇺🇸🇬🇧🇳🇿 |
744 | 7.4 |
"SEVEN GAMES: a human history" forthcoming @wwnorton. nieman fellow ‘20, alum @fivethirtyeight. |
745 | 7.4 |
Assistant editor @reason mag. Bylines include @huffpost, @dcexaminer, @satevepost, etc. Ranch dressing connoisseur. Older than my photo suggests. |
746 | 7.4 |
I fix problems and promote health. ER doc @Brown_Emergency🔸️ Director @BrownDigiHealth🔸️ Cofounder @researchaffirm @getusppe #ThisIsOurLane |
747 | 7.4 |
Development, Experimental, Behavioral: Economist. Associate Prof at Colorado College. she/her/hers |
748 | 7.4 |
Blogger, consultant, nerd, geek, homeschooler and woman. Need I say more? A #LenovoIN |
749 | 7.4 |
@ksvesq’s husband; father of daughters; Charles Alan Wright Chair in Federal Courts @UTexasLaw; @NSLpodcast & @inlocoparents co-host; @CNN’s #SCOTUS nerd; #LGM |
750 | 7.4 |
National politics correspondent @Reuters. Father. Lawyer. Film guy. Proudly from flyover country. Ex-White House, Congress, Supreme Court reporter. |
751 | 7.4 |
Sannah McDonough @SannahMcDonough Consumer of Podcasts and Classic Movies. Admirer and defender of the free-market system. Pro-life. Co-Host of The Movie Shelf podcast. Wife of @ConFilmBuff |
752 | 7.4 |
Dad, D.C.-based broadcaster & podcaster at @foxnewsradio, @RTCACapitolHill executive committee, @ithacacollege alum |
753 | 7.4 |
Promoting commonsense school reform from the White House to the schoolhouse. |
754 | 7.4 |
Matthew Walther @matthewwalther Editor @thelampmagazine. Contributor @amconmag, @nypost, others. Former @theweek. Canceled but only in Eritrea. "Flieh! Auf! Hinaus ins weite Land!" |
755 | 7.4 |
Official Twitter for #ALLCAPS Fans |
756 | 7.4 | |
757 | 7.4 |
matthew pierce @MatthewEPierce Evangelical Thought Leader™. 1/2 of @FSBibleTime. New book on the way... |
758 | 7.4 |
Politico columnist. Formerly Reuters, Slate, SFWeekly, @WCP, Inquiry. Email list: New RSS: |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
760 | 7.4 |
Fredrick Kunkle WaPo @KunkleFredrick Washington Post staff writer, former Guild co-chair & 1A absolutist. Democracy dies when Big Tech controls what we buy, sell, watch, read, tweet, share, etc. |
761 | 7.4 |
Live-tweeting as a reporter embedded in history. Follow for a glimpse of life in 1921! Companion account to @50YearsAgoLive. Contact: |
762 | 7.4 |
James A. Gagliano @JamesAGagliano Mayor, Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY | FBI Ret |@LELDF BOD | @WestPoint_USMA '87, @StJohnsU '17, doctoral candidate | ATL Falcons Braves fañ @TiffGagliano❤️ |
763 | 7.4 |
100 Years Ago Today @CenturyAgoToday Today in History. Covering daily news and photographs from 1921. By Ryo Kawashima. Contact: |
764 | 7.4 |
Columnist. Novelist. J-prof. Author of NYT/IndieBound bestseller The Daughters of Erietown. Won Pulitzer, but my dogs don’t care. P.S. I love @SenSherrodBrown. |
765 | 7.4 |
Washed cawlidge hawkey , cawlidge sawccer player Come for the anancap pol takes. Stay for the incessant #isles tweets. |
766 | 7.4 |
Husband. Dad. Davidson College Batten professor. Harvard Nieman Fellow. I don't drink alcohol but drown my sorrows in sweet tea. |
767 | 7.4 |
Jacob T Levy, Tomlinson Prof of Political Theory, McGill. RPF Niskanen American-Canadian; opinions are mine. not McGill's. |
768 | 7.4 |
Peter Cunliffe-Jones @PCunliffeJones Research @UniWestminster | Founded @AfricaCheck in 2012 | board @factchecknet | alum @ShuttleworthFdn | Ex @AFP Europe, Africa, Asia | Also books | always @LFC |
769 | 7.4 |
Former Comments Editor @YaleDailyNews | 'The most influential Mitt Romney fangirl on Twitter' -Nassim Taleb |
770 | 7.4 |
Dominican-Puertorican. Software developer. Casual gamer. Meat Loaf fan (the guy, not the food). |
771 | 7.4 |
Novelist and Senior Writer for @TheBabylonBee. Married to @preptodye and we have 4 kids, youngest with DS. I'm trying to be more Christ-like. Or trying to try. |
772 | 7.4 |
NYT TV critic and author of AUDIENCE OF ONE, about how TV created Trump. Fussbudget. Orders: |
773 | 7.4 |
Editorial Director, @TheAppeal. / Columnist, @MSNBC. / Ideas? / Sober. Queer. Bipolar. Buckeye. Law Dork. / Tweets are my own. |
774 | 7.4 |
Husband, father, social scientist, writer, Madisonian. Or maybe right-wing ideologue, pseudoscientist, evil. Opinions differ. |
775 | 7.4 |
Conservative environmentalist working for a brighter future. President & founder @ACC_National/@TCC_National. @UW alum. WI sports fan. Iced tea enthusiast. |
776 | 7.4 |
Columnist for The Washington Post || |
777 | 7.4 |
Let me put my takes in you |
778 | 7.4 |
Wife, mother, daughter, klutz. Follower of Christ - I'm working on it. Drinker of Glenfiddich, buyer of shoes. Seriously, I need a nap. |
779 | 7.4 |
Asst. Prof, Cybersecurity Law, U.S. Naval Academy. Author: The United States of Anonymous (forthcoming Feb. 2022); The 26 Words That Created the Internet. |
780 | 7.4 |
I once walked off the end of a pier. Eng at @nearby. Ex @thedemocrats/@twitter/@hellocivil/@dabbledb/@intel he/him |
781 | 7.4 |
Official tweets of the PGA TOUR. |
782 | 7.4 | |
783 | 7.4 |
🇺🇸 Army Veteran 🇺🇸Polyglot. MS International Affairs & MPA. Adjunct Instructor, Political Science & Public Administration 😀🏋🏻♂️⚽️ |
784 | 7.4 |
Patrick J. Kiger @PatrickJKiger Journalist, author, blogger, pop culture pontificator. Opinions strictly my own. RTs not necessarily endorsements. |
785 | 7.4 |
Belmont, MA, retired Boston bond lawyer, Red Sox/Celtics/Patriots fan, Methodist, Democrat, OK native, KU/Yale Law grad, husband, dad of two awesome daughters |
786 | 7.4 |
Editor at RTs are complicated; politics = sarcasticon. |
787 | 7.4 |
Greg Fantomas F. @FantomasCinema Writer for TCM. This Twitter feed presents information based in part on theory and conjecture. Podcast here: |
788 | 7.4 |
Associate Professor @HarvardMed | Writer | Child Psychologist @mghfc | Visiting Professor-Charles University Prague | Views my own |
789 | 7.4 |
Richard V. Reeves @RichardvReeves Writer. Wonk. Dad. Brookings Senior Fellow. Pod: Dialogues Trying not to hoard dreams. Tweets my own. |
790 | 7.4 |
Wear of Easttown @MichaelRWear @MelissaMWear's. Dada to Saoirse and Ilaria. Founder, Public Square Strategies. We must become the kind of people our politics needs. |
791 | 7.4 |
Sharon Kuruvilla 🌹✝️ @Sharon_Kuruvila Anglican. Left internationalist politics, academics, programming, and theology. 🏳️🌈 + ⚢ Bylines: @ELaborInstitute @ForeignPolicy @LiberalCurrents |
792 | 7.4 |
Journalist at @ProPublica. Run @openelex, do stuff with @herhoopstats. Cricket, campaign finance, Congress, Romans 8:38-39. DM for Signal. |
793 | 7.4 |
A lawyer advising on political law, criminal law, and congressional investigations. Former speechwriter for Jack Kemp. Tweets reflect only my personal views. |
794 | 7.4 |
Chief Technology Correspondent for @Axios; former Senior Editor at Recode. Huge softball, hockey, basketball fan. she/her |
795 | 7.4 |
Sports columnist at The Washington Times. Co-host The Kevin Sheehan Show podcast. Georgetown University adjunct professor. Author |
796 | 7.4 |
Researcher. Neoconservative and America-loving Brit. Aston Villa fan and Garlic hater. Baseball enthusiast. Views my own etc. I was saying Boo-urns. |
797 | 7.4 |
Conservative. Links are to my designs, online writing and art.… |
798 | 7.4 |
Addicted to Dead Now, Torche, Tilts, Dreamend,Power Trip,BMSR, Slowdive,Devin Townsend, Fantomas,Mr.Bungle, Black Angels,Melvins #redeye. Big fan of @wethefifth |
799 | 7.4 |
James Surowiecki @JamesSurowiecki Author of The Wisdom of Crowds. I blog at I wrote The Financial Page for The New Yorker. |
800 | 7.4 |
Asst. Professor of Business and Tech Writing. I also do linguistics and disability studies. Not funny. I’d rather be studying Yiddish. Opinions mine. |
801 | 7.4 |
International relations, philosophy, whiskey, and outer space. Retweets = ennui |
802 | 7.4 |
CapX brings you the best writing on politics, economics, markets and ideas. Sign up to our email briefing at |
803 | 7.4 |
staff writer at @TheAtlantic covering health. I also write Material World, a column on consumerism. Georgia native, Georgia Bulldog. |
804 | 7.3 |
Julian Davis Mortenson @jdmortenson Law prof @umichlaw. Constitutional law. Presidential power. Key grip, Pitchfork Waving Villager #5, and stuntman for Mr. Bagley on “Brothers in Law.” |
805 | 7.3 |
It's better to be weird than boring. Bi/Queer. Classroom wishlist link below. #SpreadLove |
806 | 7.3 |
Amelia Frappolli @AmeliaFrappolli Mostly old photos, newspaper clippings & occasional retro gelatin recipes. Previously covered the House & Senate floors for CQ. Still somewhere in the Capitol |
807 | 7.3 |
he/him,bylines NBC Think, Atlantic, WaPo, Pitchfork, Guardian, FP. Blog editor @ProstasiaInc. Wrote Wonder Woman: Bondage and Feminism for Rutgers UP. |
808 | 7.3 |
A++++ Grader of Tweets, lucky hubs of @kayftl, father of 4 girls, deals with lunatics at work. Uses commas, way too much. Preferred prounouns: FO/FU/GTFO/STFU |
809 | 7.3 |
Independent Conservative. I do market research, data & comms. Have a newsletter. Taller than you. Likes gifs, whiskey, comedy, #LFC, #BillsMafia, #Dodgers |
810 | 7.3 |
Abby Livingston
DC buro chief @TexasTribune. Almanac of American Politics scribe. Ex-Roll Call, CNNer, NBCer, soap opera intern. I ❤️ Springsteen, softball, Longhorns & America |
811 | 7.3 |
Jennifer N. Victor @jennifernvictor PoliSci professor US politics @ScharSchool. Co-editor Blogger @MisofFact Take my class @TheGreatCourses |
812 | 7.3 |
Conservative conversation and community. And podcasts. Join now and get your first month for free (Coolidge level). |
813 | 7.3 |
Fellow @EPPCdc. I occasionally write things longer than tweets. |
814 | 7.3 |
Science-based syndicated columnist. Mediator. Latest “science-help” book: Unf*ckology (How to scuttle fear & live w/guts & confidence) |
815 | 7.3 |
Alberto Miguel Fernandez @AlbertoMiguelF5 Retired US diplomat. Havana, Miami and points east. Tweets in English, Arabic and Spanish. Views my own. #KofC |
816 | 7.3 |
David L. Bahnsen @DavidBahnsen Managing Partner, Founder of @BahnsenGroupHT. I breathe the market. Author of #CrisisOfResponsibility. @CNBC @FoxBusiness Guest. Contributor to @Forbes and @NRO |
817 | 7.3 |
I tweet. Follow me or don't I don't care. I do comms stuff. Live your life according to what is best for Twitter content |
818 | 7.3 |
#FreeMarket think tank advancing real solutions to complex policy problems. Follow our experts: Book them/media: 🚫👞🐍 |
819 | 7.3 |
John Hornor Jacobs
Books: A Lush and Seething Hell Murder Ballads & Other Horrific Tales Southern Gods & more lit rep @staciadecker film Dillon Asher @ Gotham Group he/him |
820 | 7.3 |
Investigative & Political Reporter @WFTV; hockey player, umpire, runner, husband, father of 2 boys, & a dog. Tweet me your story! Orlando, FL · |
821 | 7.3 |
I am honored to be Patti’s husband, Abby and Ellie’s dad, pastor of @cpcnashville, and speak/write about Jesus. Unworthy, beloved. INFJ/4w3. Insta @scottsauls. |
822 | 7.3 |
Data visualization workshops and consulting. Author of "The Big Book of Dashboards." |
823 | 7.3 |
Senior Research Associate at Univ. of Miami's Rosenstiel School (@UMiamiRSMAS). Hurricane & climatology stuff, mostly. Opinions are my own. 🏳️🌈 |
824 | 7.3 |
Cartography is my passion & profession. Author of award-winning book CARTOGRAPHY. Maps+drums+beer+snowboards+footy+politics+sarcasm. 🇬🇧 in 🇺🇸. Views mine. |
825 | 7.3 |
Charlie Pierce
Feed from The Politics Blog with Charles P. Pierce, Retweets don't (necessarily) mean endorsements. Grand-Da to John Victor. Aging epee hack. Ringsend Cowboy |
826 | 7.3 |
Political scientist, @UofDenver/@CAPatDU. Writer at @MisOfFact, @fivethirtyeight, @denverpost. Wrote "Learning from Loss: The Democrats 2016-20." He/him/his. |
827 | 7.3 |
White House reporter, @latimes. Priors: @wsj @politico @KDVR @ksla |
828 | 7.3 |
Mary Ann Immunicorn @mabowes402 Catholic | Mom | Grandma | Retired (sort of) Technology Teacher | Loves books and other stuff, but.... mostly books. |
829 | 7.3 |
Writer/editor with @MSNBC Daily. Previously: @buzzfeednews. I make dumb jokes for smart people. As such, my tweets vary in quality. He/him. |
830 | 7.3 |
Lawyer, and occasional writer about the law and related matters. Tweets are never legal advice.… |
831 | 7.3 |
Evolutionary biologist. Managing Editor @Quillette. Lover of whisk(e)y, fitness, cats, and ideas. Newsletter: Gmail: cwright1859 |
832 | 7.3 |
Michael David Smith @MichaelDavSmith Managing Editor, Pro Football Talk |
833 | 7.3 |
Vice President for International Studies, @CatoInstitute; co-author, The Human Freedom Index; columnist (2014-2020) at @elcomercio_peru (Peru) |
834 | 7.3 |
Political reporter @CapTimes. WI-grown, @IowaStateU and @JHUGovStudies alum, banjo player, dog person. Newsletter: |
835 | 7.3 |
Interim Lead Commissioner @CommissionCE. Views my own. Likes = bookmarks. |
836 | 7.3 |
Official Personal Account Of Special Olympics Athlete I play Softball Volleyball Basketball Track Golf Bocce No Politics No list please Thank you |
837 | 7.3 |
Pamela Paresky (Habits of a Free Mind) @PamelaParesky Vstng Sr. Rsrch Assoc, @SIFKnow @UChicago; Sr Scholar @ncri_io; Rsrchr, Coddling of the American Mind; @HabitsFreeMind; Mom; Opinions mine but they often change |
838 | 7.3 |
@AP Investigative Reporter • USMC vet • Currently navigating deep reflections on Afghanistan 🇦🇫 • tips: |
839 | 7.3 |
From the staff of #CNNSOTU w/ @JakeTapper & @DanaBashCNN. Watch Sundays at 9a ET on 📺 @CNN & 🌎🌍🌏 @CNNi + 12p ET on @CNN. Always on! |
840 | 7.3 |
Host @Snapchat's @GoodLuckAmerica. @VanityFair contributor. @CNN vet. Board @ShorensteinCtr. Levon fan. Hoya. RVA. My take on Twitter: |
841 | 7.3 |
Murtaza M. Hussain @MazMHussain Focused on the social applications of blockchain, cryptocurrency, and clean energy technology. Also writes on foreign policy @theintercept. فارسی/اردو/EN |
842 | 7.3 |
wrote a book about self-control |
843 | 7.3 |
Ron Kampeas is JTA's Washington bureau chief. RT="People who follow a JTA reporter might find this interesting/amusing, nothing more." |
844 | 7.3 |
Libertarian. Feminist. @FeministLiberty executive director. @CatoInstitute digital. @LadiesOfLiberty comms. @SSDPglobal board. 🇮🇳🏴🇺🇸🕉 ✌🏼💛 |
845 | 7.3 |
White House Correspondent for The New York Times, CNN Political analyst, and co-author of “BORDER WARS: Inside Trump’s Assault on Immigration” |
846 | 7.3 |
Senior fellow @BrookingsInst; Contributing writer @TheAtlantic; Editor @WCrowdsLive; Author of ISLAMIC EXCEPTIONALISM and TEMPTATIONS OF POWER: |
847 | 7.3 |
Arthur C. Brooks
Professor of Practice @Harvard @Kennedy_School @HarvardHBS, Author "How to Build a Life" @TheAtlantic, President @AEI 2009-2019, ex-trompista @OrquestraOBC |
848 | 7.3 |
Host of The Yaron Brook Show live on YouTube—Subscribe: Chairman of @AynRandInst. Co-author of Free Market Revolution & Equal is Unfair. |
849 | 7.3 |
@CNN White House | covered Buttigieg, IA, GA, and Trump | former @Princeton & @CBSPolitics | New Yorker by birth & stride | | Instagram: dmjudd4 |
850 | 7.3 |
Journalist; Author, "Securing Democracy"; Co-Founder, The Intercept; Columnist, @CartaCapital; HOPE Shelter (@abrigo_hope); vegan; Insta: Glenn.11.Greenwald |
851 | 7.3 |
I like to post and see posts. Director of Research @FutureNowUSA, all views my own, RTs aren't endorsements, the tweet you got mad at was a joke, I swear. |
852 | 7.3 |
The Daily Briefing @dailybriefing Hosted by @DanaPerino weekdays at 2PM EST on Fox News Channel |
853 | 7.3 |
Ellie Ravinsky, BSW, MDiv @rosarygirl1962 I'm an Irish Jew, Feminist, Social Worker. I love science, walking, studying Kabbalah & healthy food. No Trump traitors!#gettheshots |
854 | 7.3 |
Gigi Levangie, etc. @GigiLevangie Mom. Wife. NYT Bestseller: Starter Wife, Maneater, and more! Screenwriter: Stepmom. BEEN THERE, MARRIED THAT on sale now! Buy it or be sad! Love our 1A, baby! |
855 | 7.3 |
Joe Gabriel Simonson @SaysSimonson @freebeacon. Get in touch: DM for Signal |
856 | 7.3 |
I'm just here for the Bill Murray sightings. Views are my own, not my employer, but also are shared by anyone else whose opinion is correct. |
857 | 7.3 |
reporter, writer | latest on VICE News Tonight, in The Atlantic, LA Review of Books | sometimes @dwnews. Formerly London, China/Asia, Doha, California, more 🌎. |
858 | 7.3 |
Melissa Braunstein @slowhoneybee Full-time wife & mother of 4, part-time writer, red fish in a blue sea. Find my writing in @dcexaminer @famstudies and elsewhere on the Interwebs. |
859 | 7.3 |
Blame Big Government @BlameBigGovt Unenrolled skeptic. Progressivism is illiberal. Dissent is good, your echo chamber is not. I came for the debate, stayed for the sarcasm. Improve your argument. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
861 | 7.3 |
Emily Jashinsky @emilyjashinsky Culture editor, @FDRLST. Director, @NJC_YAF. Visiting fellow, @IWF. |
862 | 7.3 |
Anthony L. Fisher @anthonyLfisher Insider opinion columnist writing about politics, culture, civil liberties, NYC in the time of COVID. I just want my kids to go back to school. |
863 | 7.3 |
Yum! Professor of Law @ukcollegeoflaw, filmmaker &c. @IpseDixitPod “America’s foremost Dadaist professor of law.” -Bruce Boyden |
864 | 7.3 |
Political scientist ~ Newhouse Professor of Civic Studies at Tufts ~ C(C)ES Whisperer ~ Slytherin ~ he/him ~ #COYS #GoDawgs |
865 | 7.3 |
Can'tSpellButCanSue @pinkhippos10 I am not altogether on anybody's side, because nobody is altogether on my side, if you understand me. Also, I might be a lawyer... with Mets takes. |
866 | 7.3 |
Michael Hendrix @michael_hendrix Director, State & Local Policy @ManhattanInst Columnist, @Governing + Advisor, @AmericanProj |
867 | 7.3 |
Independent political strategist, author and campaign veteran. Co-Founder, @ProjectLincoln. |
868 | 7.3 |
National security & political warfare, plenty of jazz, vinyl and hifi audio, bodybuilding. “Right-wing Twitter pugilist”—Politico |
869 | 7.3 |
word farmer, cat rancher, legal fellow. pending esquire. words @theappeal, @slate, elsewhere. fussy & difficult. opinions belong to my cats. more weight. |
870 | 7.3 |
Personal account. Work tweets: @AndrewJBates46. Before: @Transition46, @JoeBiden, @ObamaWhiteHouse, @HillaryClinton, @American_Bridge. Proud NCState alum. |
871 | 7.3 | |
872 | 7.3 |
#CatoEvents: live streams, videos, and events from the Cato Institute (@CatoInstitute). |
873 | 7.3 |
Novelist, flim-flam artist, writer for Anti-carceral, defund then abolish the structures that oppress rather than protect. He/him |
874 | 7.3 |
Principles first. Integrity matters. Democracy is worth defending. (opinions mine) |
875 | 7.3 |
Atlantic writer. HBO film of 'Our Towns' now airing.… |
876 | 7.3 |
Sleuthy Kyle #ShotsAndChecks @kyle_teamjoe I’m a member of the Democratic Establishment, a proud neoliberal shill & a Neera Tanden stan. I’m also very Anti-Malarkey...🥀 🇺🇸🏳️🌈#BidenHarris2020 #BLM |
877 | 7.3 |
Jonathan Weisman @jonathanweisman Washington Domestic Policy Editor, The New York Times, author, (((Semitism))) - Being Jewish in the Age of Trump, and No. 4 Imperial Lane |
878 | 7.3 |
Host, @mehdihasanshow on @MSNBC and NBC's @peacockTV |
879 | 7.3 |
Robyn Doolittle
Reporter with the Globe and Mail. Most recently: #PowerGap investigation w @hichenwang * Author of Had It Coming and Crazy Town. |
880 | 7.3 |
Bridget Phetasy
Verified nobody. My tribe is tribeless. Find another hero. |
881 | 7.3 |
Samuel Hammond 🌐🏛 @hamandcheese Director of Poverty and Welfare Policy. Pluralist. The world is second-best, at best. shammond [at] niskanencenter [dot] org |
882 | 7.3 |
freelance audience strategist in tech and media • adjunct prof @uscannenberg • running @jourmentors • • was @axios @latimes @nytimes |
883 | 7.3 |
Political scientist in the @McCourtSchool and @GUGovt. Executive Board @MassiveData_GU. Faculty Liaison to @GUPolitics. A running commentary, may contain typos. |
884 | 7.3 |
New Jersey guy - from Westfield, Exit 135; Greek Orthodox Christian and loyal Rutgers alum; honorary Texan after my years there. Fox News since July 1997. |
885 | 7.3 |
Author of "Clarence Thomas and the Lost Constitution" and "The Founders at Home: The Building of America, 1735-1817" |
886 | 7.3 |
Icelandic journalist, broadcaster+writer, London. Economics, politics, EU, arts+human nature. Tweets+RT reflect avid intellectual curiosity. |
887 | 7.3 |
Executive Editor @newcriterion |
888 | 7.3 |
Jason B. Whitman, OD @JasonBWhitman CEO of Wyoming Eye Associates. Married my Iowa sweetheart. Weather spotter in Wyoming. |
889 | 7.3 |
Reporting on Washington & foreign policy. Just Security ed board. Al-Monitor, Politico, Foreign Policy alum. RTs not endorsements. Email lkrozen at gmail |
890 | 7.3 |
Jeff Schogol is the Pentagon reporter for Task & Purpose. Often mistaken for Fabio. |
891 | 7.3 |
R. Daniel Kelemen @rdanielkelemen Professor of Political Science and Law, and Jean Monnet Chair in European Union Politics @RutgersU |
892 | 7.3 |
NYT best-selling author. Principal @FenwayStrat. Erstwhile Director of Surrogate Speechwriting @TeamJoe. Fan of the word erstwhile. Allium aficionado. |
893 | 7.3 |
Marc J. Randazza @marcorandazza First Amendment Lawyer. Charb and Lenny Bruce died for your sins. Oliver Wendell Holmes is my prophet. Sea urchins are delicious and I won't share. |
894 | 7.3 |
Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 @MarinaMedvin Opinion Columnist ⚖️ Trial Attorney |
895 | 7.3 |
Editor: @BearingArmsCom Host #40AcreFool podcast. Goat Whisperer "Cam Edwards doesn't f*** around."- @terryschappert "Gun knowledge ninja"- @Politibunny |
896 | 7.3 |
Angel Eduardo @StrangelEdweird Writer | Musician | Photographer | Designer Be kind; we're all first drafts. |
897 | 7.3 |
Dr. Matt Esq, 2 Time Academy Award Winning Viewer @MatthewGalanty HR and Diversity Trainer at Oberlin |
898 | 7.3 |
@GOP National Spokesperson & Director of Black Media Affairs | Former @POTUS45 WH Fellowships Commissioner & GW Bush White House staff | @peppalum 🇺🇸 |
899 | 7.3 |
Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ @realchrisrufo Writer, filmmaker, rabble-rouser. Senior fellow, @ManhattanInst. Married to @skprufo. Watch my new film for free: |
900 | 7.3 |
Comedienne | as seen in @rollingstone @nytimes @guardian @wsj @vogue @nymag @comedycentral | broadway w/@birbigs | rep by Brillstein | Instagram @mariadecotis |
901 | 7.3 |
Writer. Filmmaker. @POTUSPressPool fanboy. Host of the independent #POOLIGANS podcast 🎙@pooliganspod "Best podcast in the universe!” - @juliemason |
902 | 7.3 |
Mostly libertarian things, with occasional pugs. |
903 | 7.3 | |
904 | 7.3 |
The Congressional-Executive Commission on China was created to monitor human rights & rule of law in China & submit an annual report to the President & Congress |
905 | 7.3 |
#BlackLivesMatter Information flow in bio, society, & science. Book *Calling Bullshit*: I love crows and ravens. he/him |
906 | 7.3 |
Author of "one of the best military aviation novels ever written" and “the lamest book ever” according to two guys on Amazon. YouTuber (link below). |
907 | 7.3 |
Andrew Solender @AndrewSolender @Forbes reporter covering politics, doggo dad, dollar store Michael Cera丨Past: @MSNBC丨@Vassar, @LSENews alum丨tips: |
908 | 7.3 |
Nothing matters. Nothing. |
909 | 7.3 |
GW prof, political condottiere, soccer nerd, scored 10/10 on Room Rater. Tweets usually have typos. |
910 | 7.3 |
First Indian Radiologist_General of the USA |
911 | 7.3 |
Founder and CEO @boxcartransit. Father of five. Hobbyist Historian and Train lover. Work hard. Be nice. #traintwitter |
912 | 7.3 |
Pink Floyd had it right, I am SO NOT A BRICK in any wall... |
913 | 7.3 |
Oncologist serving ppl w/ #cancer in #bcsm clinic, #MedEd, #PublicHealth, #Regulatory & #COVID19. #ASCO20 Ed Chair. #OslerPride. Equity activist. Go high. |
914 | 7.3 |
Submissions editor @NRO. Midwesterner. Host, @ricochet's @youngamericanz podcast. "A blur atop the dunes." |
915 | 7.3 |
Maggie Koerth-Baker
Sr Science Reporter at @FiveThirtyEight. Nieman Fellow '15. @sciencewriting board member. Chaos muppet. |
916 | 7.3 |
Senior Fellow @GAIGeorgetown @McCourtSchool. Polisci Ph.D. Writes in places. Podcast: Congress, Two Beers In. Funnier in person. |
917 | 7.3 |
Institute for Education @InstituteForEdu Institute For Education (IFE) engages the global community to encourage bipartisan policy innovation driven by data & tech. #CivicTechService |
918 | 7.3 |
nick lindquist @nick_lindquist red coat. dog dad. history lover. very online™. strategerist @beckandstone. @youngvoicesorg. words: @nro @washtimes @townhallcom @thehill. seen: @foxnews @npr. |
919 | 7.3 |
Niels Lesniewski @nielslesniewski CQ Roll Call Chief Correspondent, White House & Congress |
920 | 7.3 |
Monetary economist and historian, Director of @CatoCMFA, and NGDP mug collector. I promise not to waste our time by saying things you expect me to say. |
921 | 7.3 |
Booking Producer at MSNBC’s @Morning_Joe. Formerly @GMA. @TuftsUniversity swammer. Daywalker. |
922 | 7.3 |
Ed. @broadsthockey | voice @bsh_radio | hinx1218 · at · gmail I'm happiest on a plane & in a place well north of here. You'll think I'm weird; just go with it. |
923 | 7.3 |
American Veterans Center @AVCupdate The Twitter account for the American Veterans Center & World War II Veterans Committee. The AVC works to Guard the Legacy and Honor the Sacrifice of our vets. |
924 | 7.3 |
Oldtime Sports, Old Time Entertainment.Mets,Yankees,Rangers,Old Time Baseball,music and John Wayne. |
925 | 7.3 |
Dad. 🇺🇸 U.S. Congressman 2017-19, Virginia Delegate 2013-17, U.S. Navy SEAL 🐸 97-05, Harvard Univ . |
926 | 7.3 |
Podcast host/producer. New show: @thisdaypod Past: @30for30 | @fivethirtyeight | @askroulette | @wnyc | everybody has their own thing that they yell into a well |
927 | 7.3 |
Graig Kreindler
Graig paints dead baseball players. Though not OF them dead. Not that there's anything wrong with the dead. In fact, Graig loves the Dead. |
928 | 7.3 |
Screenwriter (Thor, X-Men: First Class, The Flash, Booster Gold, Rim of the World, Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous.) Novelist. |
929 | 7.3 |
I didn't invent Facebook, but I do cover the Washington Nationals for and co-host the Nats Chat podcast: |
930 | 7.3 |
Political Scientist |
931 | 7.3 |
✨ software engineer at @applenews. he/him ✨ |
932 | 7.3 |
Host @slategist, longest running daily news analysis podcast. Contributes @NPR, Upon Further Review:The Greatest What-Ifs in Sports History |
933 | 7.3 |
“Just because you’re accurate does not make you interesting” I hate hypocrites. I was an independent before it was cool. Hi Bob. |
934 | 7.3 |
adoption advocate, wife, mom of 4, meteorologist, follower of Jesus. |
935 | 7.3 |
New York Times reporter. Now in New York after years in China. U.S. Navy veteran. Views expressed are my own. |
936 | 7.3 |
Jess - 5G Moderna Operated Organism @jsupernor1 If I made a callous statement, there is a 99% chance it was sarcasm. I don't tolerate abusive people. I mute "Now do (x)" people. |
937 | 7.3 |
Fellow Americans: criticism, not contempt. Debate is healthy. |
938 | 7.3 |
User of Meh. There is no education in the second kick of a mule. |
939 | 7.3 |
resident fellow @dfrlab focused on domestic extremism | podcast @shtpostpodcast | contact + disclaimer: |
940 | 7.3 |
Founding editor, POLITICO. author of “The Survivor: Bill Clinton in the White House.” Writer of Altitude, a weekly (or more) column @politico |
941 | 7.3 |
Author of Living Memento Mori: My Journey Through the Stations of the Cross! Double lung tx recipient, Jane Austen fan girl, tea lover, Catholic, hockey fan. |
942 | 7.3 |
Deputy Bureau Chief Associated Press |
943 | 7.3 |
Daniel Hernandez ✍🏽🌞 @longdrivesouth Culture reporter @latimes. 🤎 @LatinoJournosCA board @Epic fam @MacDowell1907 fellow @VICE LatAm docs @lataco revival. Border brother. Crackin' knuckles. |
944 | 7.3 |
@crookedmedia Editor in Chief. Politics. Writing. Intermittent podcasting. Gun-assault survivor. |
945 | 7.3 |
Executive editor, Mostly here to complain about NJ Transit. |
946 | 7.3 |
“With Malice Toward None” ~Abraham Lincoln |
947 | 7.3 |
@AEI resident scholar, @AdLawCenter co-director. Proud @UIowa Hawkeye. |
948 | 7.3 |
State Dept CT Bureau @StateDeptCT U.S. Department of State Bureau of Counterterrorism |
949 | 7.3 |
living and loving life... |
950 | 7.3 |
Michelle Ochs Windmueller @MWindmueller Appellate lawyer, mom, Jersey-girl, Northwestern grad. Ravenclaw. The details are very important in my stories; I’ve always thought so. |
951 | 7.3 |
Southernized Yankee. Proud Navy Brat. Board member National Women in Blues @WomeninBlues #Pooligans |
952 | 7.3 |
Yahoo Sports Canada @YahooCASports Sports without the suits // Subscribe to the Raptors Reaction newsletter 🏀 🎯 |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
954 | 7.3 |
@werlibertarians Podcast Host of The Chris Spangle Show. Writer at The Patdown Podcast Co-Host. Love history, politics, and comedy. |
955 | 7.3 |
CORONAVIRUSUPDATE @COVID19digest1 The best information and analysis on the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the COVID-19 pandemic on Twitter |
956 | 7.3 |
Assistant Professor in Business and Public Policy at @BerkeleyHaas | Political Economy, Development, Econ History, Organizations | All views my own |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
958 | 7.3 |
The F.A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in PPE at @mercatus encourages research on the institutional arrangements that support free & prosperous societies. |
959 | 7.3 |
Alex Milan Tracy @AlexMilanTracy Freelance photojournalist in Portland, OR. FAA certified drone pilot. Support my work Tips via |
960 | 7.3 |
Bite the Wax Tadpole |
961 | 7.3 |
Economist. {Book:} A classical liberal fighting against socialism & serfdom. |
962 | 7.3 |
Tipping Odds Podcast. Mitch @TippingOddsLV Twitter account of the Tipping the Odds Las Vegas Podcast |
963 | 7.3 |
may you live on and know what it means to be human |
964 | 7.3 |
But why? News editor @portlandmercury, covering housing, cops, city hall, etc. 📬 Past words: @sacurrent @wcp @streetroots (she/her) |
965 | 7.3 |
data, politics, 🐈🐈🐕🐈🐈🐕, opinions mine |
966 | 7.3 |
Data visualization consultant & trainer. Author of #dataviz book: | Data visualization online video tutorials. |
967 | 7.3 |
Senior White House Correspondent @DailyCaller |
968 | 7.3 |
Writer/Critic w/ work at @nytimesarts and @ebertvoices. Author of “Made Men: The Story of ‘Goodfellas’” out now from @Hanover_Square |
969 | 7.3 |
Data visualization and cartography lead @NASAEarth. Dad stuff everywhere else. Sees design as lubrication for cognitive machinery. Views my own. |
970 | 7.3 |
Calling Bullshit: Examples and opinions from instructors @CT_Bergstrom and @JevinWest at the @UW. Book now available: |
971 | 7.3 |
Federalist Musket🇺🇸 @Patriot_Musket Free speech absolutist. Editor, @TheRacineTimes |
972 | 7.3 |
Possum Every Hour @PossumEveryHour All images belong to their original owners. Failures may occassionally occur. For problems and new image submissions DM @ThunderySteak |
973 | 7.3 |
JoeReynoldsChief @JoeReynolds2020 Chief Engineer, US Merchant Marine |
974 | 7.3 |
Sarah McLaughlin @sarahemclaugh Advocate at @TheFIREorg. Tweets about free expression, dissent, and academic freedom. Campaigning to be the next Gritty Guard. Opinions are my own. |
975 | 7.3 |
Policy & Mobile Maps product @ Mapbox. Former geocodeur. Before: CTO @ Sunlight Foundation. Other than that my Github's mostly firmware for Halloween costumes. |
976 | 7.3 |
"A while longer still in this business." |
977 | 7.3 |
Writer | Reader | Travel Enthusiast | Biscuit Baker | Nerd Herder | Please subscribe to my newsletter on Southern Culture: |
978 | 7.3 |
PhD candidate in US history @harvard. Writing about big liberal cities and the people who didn't want them to grow ('50s-'00s). User of various word processors. |
979 | 7.3 |
Prof at Columbia J School. Director - Tow Center for Digital Journalism, Columbia Journalism School. Writes for : @CJR @Guardian also co-host @trickypodcast |
980 | 7.3 |
WSJ Americas columnist; editorial board member |
981 | 7.3 |
Writes Sinocism China Newsletter Co-founded in a different era, investor in Substack |
982 | 7.3 |
Seth D. Michaels @sethdmichaels Voted People Magazine's Seth D-est man alive. He/him. Comms @UCSUSA; everything here is personal, not official. Grappling with time and the mercury line. |
983 | 7.3 |
Happy. Yes, you can live at fabulous everyday. Quantum Entanglement is my chocolate. |
984 | 7.3 |
i like most of you. fully vaccinated and ready to nap. |
985 | 7.3 |
Co-host of The Backstory on Radio Sputnik. Populist artist tech nerd. In Oliver Stone’s Revealing Ukraine. Re-Crowned King of Sioux Falls. Pronoun: y'all. |
986 | 7.3 |
Michelle Malkin
987 | 7.3 |
Pastor of The Journey Church |
988 | 7.3 |
Professor at Georgetown, Visiting Prof at Oxford & Aarhus. Immigrant. Views my own. Administrative burdens guy:… |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
990 | 7.3 |
Host of Julie Mason Mornings 6-9 am ET weekdays on SiriusXM; former White House reporter, honorary Texan, total Masshole. |
991 | 7.3 |
lvl 46 dog-faced pony potus @thetomzone 'an upperclassman who had been researching terrorist groups online' -WaPo. member of @gmgunion. also known as 'notorious scumbag Gizmodo freak' or 'Dopus Tom' |
992 | 7.3 |
Essayist ║ Common topics: China, Taiwan, or Cambodia • history and social science • security • U.S. culture & conservatism ║Old tweets on auto-delete! |
993 | 7.3 |
Benjamin Weinthal @BenWeinthal European Affairs Correspondent at The Jerusalem Post. Research Fellow @FDD. Opinions are my own. RT/follow ≠ endorsement. |
994 | 7.3 |
Breaking news & features from The New York Post. Follow your favorite sections: @pagesix, @nypmetro, @nypostbiz, @nypostsports, @nypfashion, @nypostopinion |
995 | 7.3 |
Deputy editor, The New Republic. Past: ThinkProgress, Huffington Post. I said, "Where'd you get your information from, huh?" |
996 | 7.3 |
@USTreasury | fmr @KamalaHarris @HillaryClinton @TheDemocrats @timkaine @ted_strickland & @gupolitics fellow. Proud dog mom. |
997 | 7.3 |
Katherine Miller @katherinemiller Edit features + write about politics @BuzzFeedNews |
998 | 7.3 |
@AmPhilanthropic consultant, @NRO Contributing Editor, former Publisher. Buckley conservative. Bronx-born Catholic. Sharon's husband. 5 kids. Wanna-grandpa. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
(Temporarily missing user profile) |
Websites | vs. baseline | influence |
---|---|---| | 56.3x | 0.5% | | 36.6x | 7.1% | | 30.4x | 0.7% | | 19.7x | 0.7% | | 12.4x | 6.3% | | 8.4x | 0.6% | | 6.9x | 1.1% | | 5.4x | 1.2% | | 4.8x | 0.5% | | 4.2x | 1.3% | | 4.1x | 1.2% | | 3.4x | 1.7% | | 2.9x | 0.7% | | 2.6x | 1.5% | | 2.4x | 0.7% | | 2.2x | 0.5% | | 1.7x | 1.1% | | 1.6x | 1.6% | | 1.5x | 1.0% | | 1.4x | 1.6% | | 1.3x | 3.5% | | 1.3x | 3.0% | | 1.2x | 4.2% | | 1.1x | 0.7% | | 1.1x | 0.7% | | 1.0x | 0.7% | | 1.0x | 1.5% | | 0.9x | 0.5% | | 0.8x | 0.5% | | 0.7x | 5.3% | | 0.7x | 2.0% | | 0.7x | 0.5% | | 0.6x | 1.6% | | 0.5x | 7.3% |
Mediums | vs. baseline | influence |
---|---|---| | 4.4x | 89.7% | | 1.4x | 2.2% | | 0.2x | 1.3% | | 0.1x | 1.1% | | 0.1x | 2.2% | | 0.1x | 1.2% |
Substacks | vs. baseline | influence |
---|---|---| | 4.9x | 91.7% | | 0.8x | 0.6% | | 0.3x | 1.0% | | 0.1x | 0.8% | | 0.1x | 0.7% | | 0.1x | 0.6% | | 0.1x | 0.5% |
Apple Podcasts | vs. baseline | influence |
id1493229344 | 10.8x | 6.2% |
id1291144720 | 10.3x | 80.5% |
id1467993804 | 5.4x | 4.7% |
id1412236217 | 0.4x | 0.6% |
id1081584611 | 0.3x | 0.6% |
id1042433083 | 0.2x | 0.5% |
id1056200096 | 0.1x | 1.0% |
Patreons | vs. baseline | influence |
wethefifth | 9.8x | 5.5% |
bribesbyshoshana | 8.5x | 6.7% |
marijuanamoment | 7.5x | 1.9% |
newdiscourses | 7.1x | 3.0% |
arcdigi | 6.7x | 1.8% |
home | 6.6x | 0.6% |
habibibros | 5.2x | 9.8% |
blockedandreported | 5.1x | 36.7% |
neoliberalproject | 2.2x | 0.7% |
wesleyyang | 1.5x | 11.1% |
dril | 0.3x | 1.0% |
lubchansky | 0.3x | 8.1% |
bethbourdon | 0.1x | 0.7% |
joshuawong | N/Ax | 2.9% |
parrotroom | N/Ax | 1.7% |
threadreaderapp?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=creatorshare2 | N/Ax | 1.0% |
YouTube Channels | vs. baseline | influence |
sassefornebraska | 19.6x | 6.2% |
truthnwords | 8.3x | 3.9% |
dcccvideo | 8.3x | 3.9% |
netflix | 7.7x | 5.2% |
speakingofai | 7.7x | 5.2% |
leatherzipperlips | 7.7x | 5.2% |
clarkjohn | 7.7x | 5.2% |
instituteforjustice | 6.1x | 4.6% |
thefederalistsociety | 6.1x | 4.6% |
senatorbensasse | 6.1x | 4.6% |
foxbusiness | 6.1x | 4.6% |
q2q4me | 5.6x | 18.5% |
leonardcohenvevo | 5.6x | 9.2% |
jillschuppforcongress | 2.4x | 1.3% |
movieclips | 1.7x | 5.6% |
washingtonpost | 0.4x | 1.8% |